Bridge Academy of West Houston

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 9, 2023     |CLUB NO.>277939    | 08/09/2023 14:09
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>Club ACBL Membership         |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/550  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=6/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Marsha Bernstein       Clif Rice                A   .     .     .   |   2     .     .    249.50  54.36  1.00(SA)
 2 Linda Marlin           James Bettis             B   .    4/6    .   |  4/5   2/3    .    241.00  52.51  0.70(OB)
 3 Judi Whaling           Pam Johnson              C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    189.00  41.18
 4 Ken Russell            John Du Bose  Jr         A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    240.50  52.40
 5 Gayle Longmire         Edna Earle Mattei        B   .     3     .   |   3     1     .    247.00  53.81  1.21(OB)
 6 Thomas O'Donnell       Therese Perez            C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    194.00  42.27
 7 Sandra Clark           James Sells              A   4     .     .   |   1     .     .    272.50  59.37  1.77(OA)
 8 Elisabeth Cabiness     Betty Westbrook          B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    219.00  47.71
 9 Edward McKee           Cherie Baer              C   .    4/6    1   |  4/5   2/3    1    241.00  52.51  1.21(OC)

                                          Totals                                           2093.50

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>    12    12    12    12    12     2-   12     2-    5-
         450   450   450   450   450   400   450   400   420

   2>     2-   17     2-    0     7-    7-   16     1    13-
        -110   200  -110  -510  -100  -100   170  -300   140

   3>    14     5-   13     2-   10-   17     5-    8    16
         -50  -170  -100  -200  -140   200  -170  -150   110

   4>    15     0     4     4    16     4    17     4    11
         110  -100   -90   -90   120   -90   200   -90   100

   5>    11    17     3-   15-    7     2    13-    0     7
        -110    50  -130   -90  -120  -150  -100  -300  -120

   6>     6-   15-    6-    6-    6-   15-   15-    6-    6-
        -680   200  -680  -680  -680   200   200  -680  -680

   7>     0     2     9-    6     2    13-   16    13-    9-
        -300  -200   100    90  -200   150   600   150   100

   8>    10    12-    6-   12-    1-   17     8    15-   12-
        -130    50  -400    50  -490   200  -250   100    50

   9>     5-   11     0     8    11     3-   13-    8     5-
        -110   -50  -600  -100   -50  -130   100  -100  -110

  10>     0     5-   17     8-    5-   10     5-    8-   15
        -990  -170   170  -140  -170  -100  -170  -140   140

  11>    14    14     4     4     8    14     0    10     8
          50    50  -450  -450  -420    50  -480  -300  -420

  12>    12-    4-   12-   12-   12-   12-   12-    4-   12-
         650   620   650   650   650   650   650   620   650

  13>    14-    7-    7-   14-    0     7-    1-   14-    7-
        -130  -150  -150  -130  -600  -150  -200  -130  -150

  14>    13-    1-    3    13-   16-    5-   10-    9     0
         430   -50   110   430   460   130   400   210  -500

  15>     3-   11    13-   17    10      -   13-   15     3-
        -400  -100    50   150  -110  -430    50   100  -400

  16>    17     2-    8-    6-   15-    1    12     6-    4
         980   -50   420   400   480  -100   450   400   150

  17>     4    16    11     5    11     2    11     7     3
         -50   550   400    50   400  -170   400   150  -100

  18>     4     7-    4    10     1     1    15    16-    7-
        -100    50  -100    90  -110  -110   150   170    50

  19>      -   17    10     3-   13-    3-    6-    3-    6-
        -100   800   420   -50   450   -50   200   -50   200

  20>     4-   16-    0     6-   11    13-    6-    8-   13-
        -660   200 -1370  -650  -170   100  -650  -620   100

  21>     8    11     6-    4-    2-   11     6-    1    14
        -100    50  -110  -140  -200    50  -110  -260    90

  22>    12-    7     0    12-   11     1-    6     8-   16
        -100  -500  -800  -100  -130  -680  -620  -300   200

  23>     7     7     7     7    14      -   14     7     7
         100   100   100   100   200  -600   200   100   100

  24>     9     9     9     9    16     1     9    17     9
          50    50    50    50   100  -420    50   800    50

  25>    16      -    3    13-    8     3    11-    5    13-
         200  -680  -650   -50  -500  -650  -100  -620   -50

  26>    16     8-   13    16      -    8-    4-    8-    8-
        1460   680   710  1460  -100   680   650   680   680

  27>    16-    2     2     9-   16-   15     9-    9-    5
         -50  -450  -450  -200   -50  -110  -200  -200  -230

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> A E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 9, 2023     |CLUB NO.>277939    | 08/09/2023 14:09
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>Club ACBL Membership         |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/550  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=6/C=2                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Kenneth Bond           Chris Curran             A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    240.00  52.29  0.50(SA)
 2 Charles Dalton         Richard Barski           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    145.00  31.59
 3 Amy Hart               Antoun Henri             C   .     .     .   |   .     .     1    198.00  43.14  0.45(SC)
 4 Edwin (Ted) Bain III   Linda Rensi              A   1     .     .   |   1     .     .    284.00  61.87  4.20(OA)
 5 Roger Marlatt          Troy Carr                B   .     .     .   |   .     2     .    231.00  50.33  0.55(SB)
 6 Mary Ann Murray        Ava Noble                B   .    4/6    .   |   3     1     .    241.00  52.51  0.78(SB)
 7 Tom Hogle              Sandra Parker            A   2     .     .   |   2     .     .    281.00  61.22  3.15(OA)
 8 Stephen Bickel         Nicholas Rasmussen       B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    196.50  42.81
 9 Linda Drake            Lauri Laufman            B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    221.00  48.15

                                          Totals                                           2037.50

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>     5    14-    5     5     5    14-    5    11-    5
        -450  -400  -450  -450  -450  -400  -450  -420  -450

   2>    14-    9-    0     1    14-   16    17     3-    9-
         110   100  -200  -170   110   300   510  -140   100

   3>     3     0    11-   11-    4     9    14-    1     6-
          50  -200   170   170   100   150   200  -110   140

   4>    13    17     0    13    13    13     6     1     2
          90   100  -200    90    90    90  -100  -120  -110

   5>    15     0     3-   13-   17     1-   10    10     6
         150   -50   100   130   300    90   120   120   110

   6>     1-    1-    1-   10-   10-   10-   10-   10-   10-
        -200  -200  -200   680   680   680   680   680   680

   7>    15     1     7-    3-   11     7-   15    17     3-
         200  -600  -100  -150   -90  -100   200   300  -150

   8>     4-    9    10-    1-    4-    4-   15-    7     0
         -50   250   400  -100   -50   -50   490   130  -200

   9>     6     3-   17     9     9    11-    6    11-   13-
          50  -100   600   100   100   110    50   110   130

  10>    11-    0     8-    8-    2    11-   17     7    11-
         170  -170   140   140  -140   170   990   100   170

  11>    17    13     7    13     9     9     3     3     3
         480   450   300   450   420   420   -50   -50   -50

  12>     4-    4-   12-    4-    4-    4-    4-    4-   12-
        -650  -650  -620  -650  -650  -650  -650  -650  -620

  13>     9-    2-    2-    9-   17     2-    9-    9-   15-
         150   130   130   150   600   130   150   150   200

  14>    14     8     3-   17      -    3-   11-   15-    6-
        -110  -210  -430   500  -460  -430  -130    50  -400

  15>     3-    2     0    13-    7    13-   16-    6     3-
         -50  -100  -150   400   110   400   430   100   -50

  16>    10-   10-   13     1-    0    16    14-    5     8-
        -400  -400  -150  -480  -980   100    50  -450  -420

  17>    10    12    14     6    13    15     1     6     6
        -150   -50   100  -400    50   170  -550  -400  -400

  18>      -    7     9-   16    13    16     9-    2    13
        -170   -90   -50   110   100   110   -50  -150   100

  19>    13-   10-    3-   16-   13-    0    10-    7    13-
          50  -200  -450   100    50  -800  -200  -420    50

  20>    10-    3-    6    12-    3-     -   10-   17     8-
         650  -100   170   660  -100  -200   650  1370   620

  21>    12-    3    14-    9     6     6    10-   10-   16
         140   -90   200   100   -50   -50   110   110   260

  22>     1     6     4-   15-   10    11    17     8-    4-
        -200   130   100   680   500   620   800   300   100

  23>    10     3    10    16-   10     3    10    10    10
        -100  -200  -100   600  -100  -200  -100  -100  -100

  24>     8     1     8    16     8     8     8     0     8
         -50  -100   -50   420   -50   -50   -50  -800   -50

  25>     9     1    14    16-    5-   14    12     3-    3-
         500  -200   650   680   100   650   620    50    50

  26>    16-    1     8-    8-   12-    4     8-    1     8-
         100 -1460  -680  -680  -650  -710  -680 -1460  -680

  27>      -     -    2    15     7-   15     7-    7-   12
          50    50   110   450   200   450   200   200   230

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 9, 2023     |CLUB NO.>277939    | 08/09/2023 14:09
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>Club ACBL Membership         |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/550  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=6/C=4                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Debi Balter            Mimi Hagedorn            A   3     .     .   |   1     .     .    275.00  59.91  2.36(OA)
 2 Jabeen Farooki         Bernice McElwain-Hick    B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    204.50  44.55
 3 Joyce Eveld            Dorothy Torreyson        C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    208.50  45.42
 4 Brenda Solovitz        Mary Cris Emmons         A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    221.00  48.15
 5 E Edgar Cosman         Debbie Cole              C   .     .     2   |   3     2     1    240.50  52.40  0.91(OC)
 6 Susan Silvey           Margaret Thomson         C   .     .     .   |   .     .     2    209.50  45.64  0.37(SC)
 7 Gail Gillespie         Barbara Grantham         A   .     .     .   |   4     .     .    235.00  51.20  0.50(SA)
 8 Carol Ehrman           Barbara Chappell         B   .     2     .   |   2     1     .    252.00  54.90  1.61(OB)
 9 Eugene Goldgar         Debbie Goldgar           C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    191.50  41.72

                                          Totals                                           2037.50

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>     5-    1     5-   12     5-   17    12    12     0
         420   -50   420   450   420   480   450   450  -150

   2>     7-   13-    7-    7-    7-    7-    7-   13-   13-
        -100   140  -100  -100  -100  -100  -100   140   140

   3>     2-   15     5-   10-   10-    1     5-   10-    0
        -200   100  -170  -140  -140  -250  -170  -140  -620

   4>    11    11    11     4    11     4    11     4    11
         100   100   100   -90   100   -90   100   -90   100

   5>    15-    7     3-    1    13-    7    11    11     7
         -90  -120  -130  -200  -100  -120  -110  -110  -120

   6>     6-    6-    6-    6-    6-    6-   15-    6-    6-
        -680  -680  -680  -680  -680  -680   200  -680  -680

   7>     6     6    11     6    16     6     2    16    12
          90    90   110    90   600    90  -200   600   130

   8>     0     3     4-    4-    1-    6-   12-   15-    9
        -500  -430  -420  -420  -490  -400    50   100  -150

   9>    13-    3-    8    15-   15-   17    11     1     2
         100  -130  -100   110   110   200   -50  -180  -150

  10>    15    11    15     2     5-   12-    1     3    12-
         140   100   140  -620  -170   110  -800  -200   110

  11>     4     1     4     4    17    14    14    11     8
        -450  -460  -450  -450   100    50    50   -50  -420

  12>    12-    4-    4-   12-     -    4-    4-   12-     -
         650   620   620   650   200   620   620   650   200

  13>    14-    7-    7-    1-   17     7-    7-    7-    7-
        -130  -150  -150  -200   100  -150  -150  -150  -150

  14>    13-    8     5-   16-   13-    1-    4    10-    7
         430   200   130   460   430   -50   120   400   150

  15>     8-     -    6-   16     6-    8-    3-   12     3-
        -130  -430  -150   110  -150  -130  -400   -90  -400

  16>    12     0    12    15-   12    12     5     8-    2-
         450  -150   450   480   450   450   200   420   -50

  17>    14-   14-   17     7     0     1     7    11    11
         420   420   650   150  -450  -400   150   400   400

  18>    12     7-    7-    4     1    13-   13-   11    16-
         110    50    50  -100  -110   140   140   100   170

  19>      -    3-   10    16    10    10    10    13-   15
        -100   -50   420   590   420   420   420   450   500

  20>    13-    2     8-    4-   16-    2    13-   10     2
         100  -690  -620  -660   200  -690   100  -600  -690

  21>    16-   14     0    16-   11     2-   14     9     4-
         120    90  -300   120    50  -200    90   -80  -140

  22>    10    15     4    14     4     4    17     8-    1-
        -150   100  -650   -50  -650  -650   300  -300  -680

  23>    17     7    14     7      -   14     7     2    14
         300   100   200   100  -600   200   100  -140   200

  24>     9     9     9     1     9     1     9     9     9
          50    50    50  -420    50  -420    50    50    50

  25>    16     3    10    11-    6-   16     6-     -    9
         200  -650  -150  -100  -600   200  -600  -680  -300

  26>     8-   16     8-    2    13     3      -   13     4-
         680  1460   680   500   710   620  -100   710   650

  27>     9-   14     2     2     9-    9-    9-    9-    2
        -200  -170  -450  -450  -200  -200  -200  -200  -450

EVENT>Invitational Pairs       |SESSION>Wednesday Mor|SECTION> B E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>August 9, 2023     |CLUB NO.>277939    | 08/09/2023 14:09
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Jennifer Breihan|RATING>Club ACBL Membership         |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/550  |CLUB>Bridge Academy Of West Ho
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=9/B=5/C=3                       ,---,-----------------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |      Overall    |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Lesly Van Dame         William Van Dame         A   6     .     .   |   2     .     .    253.50  55.23  1.00(SA)
 2 David Richard          Nile Gross               B   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    234.50  51.09
 3 Rose Cullivan Hock     William Belford          C   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    176.00  38.34
 4 Paul Cuneo             Carmen Keys              A   .     .     .   |   3     .     .    248.50  54.14  0.72(SA)
 5 Carol Jewett           Marilyn Leiman           A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    234.50  51.09
 6 Maria Turner           Marci Keller             C   .     .     4   |   .     .     .    229.50  50.00  0.51(OC)
 7 Geri McKallip          Chloe Ella Fackenthall   A   .     .     .   |   .     .     .    213.00  46.41
 8 James Morgan           Brenda Morgan            B   5     1     .   |   1     1     .    269.00  58.61  2.15(OB)
 9 Marc Sullivan          H Ray Yoder              C   .     .     3   |   4     2     1    235.00  51.20  0.68(OC)

                                          Totals                                           2093.50

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
   1>    11-    0    16     5    11-    5     5    17    11-
        -420  -480    50  -450  -420  -450  -450   150  -420

   2>     9-    9-    3-    9-    9-    3-    9-    3-    9-
         100   100  -140   100   100  -140   100  -140   100

   3>    14-   16     2    11-   11-    6-    6-   17     6-
         200   250  -100   170   170   140   140   620   140

   4>    13     6     6     6    13    13     6     6     6
          90  -100  -100  -100    90    90  -100  -100  -100

   5>    10    10     6    13-    6    16    10     3-    1-
         120   120   110   130   110   200   120   100    90

   6>    10-   10-    1-   10-   10-   10-   10-   10-   10-
         680   680  -200   680   680   680   680   680   680

   7>    11    15     6     1    11     5     1    11    11
         -90   200  -110  -600   -90  -130  -600   -90   -90

   8>    14     4-   12-    1-   12-    8    15-   17    10-
         430   -50   420  -100   420   150   490   500   400

   9>    13-    6     9    16     1-   15     1-    3-    0
         130    50   100   180  -110   150  -110  -100  -200

  10>    16     2    14    15     4-   11-    2     4-    6
         800  -140   200   620  -110   170  -140  -110  -100

  11>     3    13     6    13     9     0    13     3    16
         -50   450    50   450   420  -100   450   -50   460

  12>    12-   12-    4-    4-   16-   16-    4-   12-   12-
        -620  -620  -650  -650  -200  -200  -650  -620  -620

  13>     9-    9-   15-    9-    0     2-    9-    9-    9-
         150   150   200   150  -100   130   150   150   150

  14>    11-    6-     -   10     3-    3-   15-    9    13
        -130  -400  -460  -150  -430  -430    50  -200  -120

  15>    10-    5     1    13-   10-    8-    8-   16-   13-
         150    90  -110   400   150   130   130   430   400

  16>     8-    1-   14-    5     5     5    17    12     5
        -420  -480    50  -450  -450  -450   150  -200  -450

  17>     6    10     6    17     2-   16     2-   10     0
        -400  -150  -400   450  -420   400  -420  -150  -650

  18>     6    13      -   16     5     3-    9-    3-    9-
        -100   100  -170   110  -110  -140   -50  -140   -50

  19>     1     2     7    16-    7    13-    7     7     3-
        -590  -500  -420   100  -420    50  -420  -420  -450

  20>    12-   15      -    3-   15    15     3-    8-    7
         660   690  -200  -100   690   690  -100   620   600

  21>      -   12-    6      -   14-    3     3    17     8
        -120   140   -50  -120   200   -90   -90   300    80

  22>    15-   13     7    13     2     0    13     8-    3
         680   650   150   650  -100  -300   650   300    50

  23>     3    16-    0     3    10    10     3    15    10
        -200   600  -300  -200  -100  -100  -200   140  -100

  24>     8     8     8    16     8     8     8     8    16
         -50   -50   -50   420   -50   -50   -50   -50   420

  25>    10-    1     1    14    10-    7    16-    5-    8
         600  -200  -200   650   600   150   680   100   300

  26>     4     8-   14     1    16-    8-    4    15    12-
        -710  -680  -620 -1460   100  -680  -710  -500  -650

  27>     7-    7-    7-    3     7-   15     7-   15    15
         200   200   200   170   200   450   200   450   450
Invitational Pairs, Wednesday Mor, August 9, 2023

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
J 10 9 7
K 10 5
A K 10 9 3
A 6
7 6 3
9 8 4 3 2
Q J 8
K 8 2
K J 9 8
J 7 6
7 6 4
Q 5 4 3
A Q 10 5 2
5 2

NS 5N; NS 5; NS 3; NS 4; NS 3;
Par +460: NS 3N+2

4 N648017.000.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Richard-Gross
4 N545012.005.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA1-Bond-Curran
4 N545012.005.00A2-Marlin-BettisA3-Hart-Henri
4 N545012.005.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 N545012.005.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA7-Hogle-Parker
4 N545012.005.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA9-Drake-Laufman
4 N545012.005.00A7-Clark-SellsA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 N545012.005.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 N545012.005.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 N545012.005.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB6-Turner-Keller
4 N44205.5011.50A9-McKee-BaerA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 N44205.5011.50B1-Balter-HagedornB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 N44205.5011.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 N44205.5011.50B5-Cosman-ColeB9-Sullivan-Yoder
3 NTS34002.5014.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTN34002.5014.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA6-Murray-Noble
4 N−1501.0016.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
6 N−31500.0017.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB8-Morgan-Morgan

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
7 6 4 3
K 7
K 2
A J 9 7 5
J 10 6 4
8 7 6 4
K Q 10 2
A 10 9 5
9 5 3
A Q J 9 5
K Q J 2
A Q 8 2
10 3
8 4 3

NS 2; EW 3; N 1N; EW 1; NS 1;
Par −110: EW 3=

5 E−420017.000.00A2-Marlin-BettisA3-Hart-Henri
3 N417016.001.00A7-Clark-SellsA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 N314013.503.50A9-McKee-BaerA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 N314013.503.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 S314013.503.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB6-Turner-Keller
2 N314013.503.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB8-Morgan-Morgan
3 N−11007.509.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA9-Drake-Laufman
2 N−11007.509.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA2-Dalton-Barski
4 N−11007.509.50B1-Balter-HagedornB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 N−11007.509.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 S−11007.509.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 N−11007.509.50B5-Cosman-ColeB9-Sullivan-Yoder
3 N−11007.509.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Richard-Gross
4 N−11007.509.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 E31102.5014.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA1-Bond-Curran
2 E31102.5014.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 S−33001.0016.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA6-Murray-Noble
4 ×E45100.0017.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA7-Hogle-Parker

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
4 2
10 9 5
10 3
K Q J 8 7 2
K Q J 10 9 6 3
K 4 2
7 5
J 8 7 6 3
A Q 9 8
A 5 4
A 8 7
K J 6 4 2
10 9 3

E 5; W 4; E 3; W 2; NS 3; EW 1N; E 1;
Par −500: NS 6×−3

3 E−220017.000.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA2-Dalton-Barski
3 N311016.001.00A9-McKee-BaerA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E−110015.002.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 N−15014.003.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA1-Bond-Curran
4 S−210013.004.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA5-Marlatt-Carr
3 W314010.506.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA9-Drake-Laufman
2 W314010.506.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 W314010.506.50B5-Cosman-ColeB9-Sullivan-Yoder
3 W314010.506.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB6-Turner-Keller
5 N−31508.009.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA6-Murray-Noble
3 W41705.5011.50A2-Marlin-BettisA3-Hart-Henri
3 W41705.5011.50A7-Clark-SellsA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 W41705.5011.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 W41705.5011.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 NTS−42002.5014.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA7-Hogle-Parker
3 W52002.5014.50B1-Balter-HagedornB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 NTS−52501.0016.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB2-Richard-Gross
4 W46200.0017.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB8-Morgan-Morgan

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
10 6 3
K 10 9 2
J 10 9 8 3
A K 4
A 5 4
J 10 3
K 7 5 2
9 8 5
J 8 7 6
A 8 7 5 2
Q J 7 2
Q 3
Q 9 6 4
A Q 4

NS 1N; EW 2; NS 2; S 1; E 1;
Par −90: EW 2=

1 NTW−220017.000.00A7-Clark-SellsA3-Hart-Henri
2 NTN212016.001.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 S211015.002.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA9-Drake-Laufman
1 NTW−110011.006.00A9-McKee-BaerA7-Hogle-Parker
1 NTW−110011.006.00B1-Balter-HagedornB9-Sullivan-Yoder
1 NTW−110011.006.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB2-Richard-Gross
2 W−110011.006.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB4-Cuneo-Keys
2 W−110011.006.00B5-Cosman-ColeB8-Morgan-Morgan
2 E−110011.006.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
1 NTW−110011.006.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
2 W2904.0013.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA4-Bain III-Rensi
1 NTW1904.0013.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA6-Murray-Noble
2 W2904.0013.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA1-Bond-Curran
2 W2904.0013.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA5-Marlatt-Carr
2 W2904.0013.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB6-Turner-Keller
2 W2904.0013.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
2 W2904.0013.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB5-Jewett-Leiman
2 S−11000.0017.00A2-Marlin-BettisA2-Dalton-Barski

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
Q 10
K 8 7 6 5
K 7 3
J 5 3
A J 7 3 2
A J 4
K 10 8 2
9 6
Q 9 3
Q 10 6 2
A Q 6 4
K 8 5 4
10 2
A J 9 5 4
9 7

EW 2; EW 3; NS 2; W 1;
Par −110: EW 2=; EW 3=

2 NTE−15017.000.00A2-Marlin-BettisA2-Dalton-Barski
1 NTE19015.501.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA6-Murray-Noble
1 NTE19015.501.50B1-Balter-HagedornB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 S−110013.503.50A7-Clark-SellsA3-Hart-Henri
2 S−110013.503.50B5-Cosman-ColeB8-Morgan-Morgan
3 W311011.006.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA9-Drake-Laufman
3 W311011.006.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 W311011.006.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB5-Jewett-Leiman
1 NTE21207.0010.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 NTE21207.0010.00A9-McKee-BaerA7-Hogle-Parker
2 NTE21207.0010.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB2-Richard-Gross
2 NTE21207.0010.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
1 NTE21207.0010.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
2 W41303.5013.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA4-Bain III-Rensi
2 W41303.5013.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 W51502.0015.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA1-Bond-Curran
2 N−22001.0016.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB6-Turner-Keller
2 N−33000.0017.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA5-Marlatt-Carr

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
8 7 3
3 2
J 4
J 9 8 5 4 3
Q 6 5
A J 6 4
K Q 10 9 6
A K J 9
K Q 8 7
A 8 2
10 6
10 4 2
10 9 5
7 5 3
A K Q 2

EW 6; EW 6; EW 6; EW 1N; EW 1;
Par −1430: EW 6=; EW 6=

3 NTE−220015.501.50A2-Marlin-BettisA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTE−220015.501.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA1-Bond-Curran
3 NTE−220015.501.50A7-Clark-SellsA3-Hart-Henri
3 NTE−220015.501.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
5 E66806.5010.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA9-Drake-Laufman
4 E66806.5010.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA4-Bain III-Rensi
5 E66806.5010.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA6-Murray-Noble
4 E66806.5010.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 E66806.5010.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 E66806.5010.50A9-McKee-BaerA7-Hogle-Parker
4 E66806.5010.50B1-Balter-HagedornB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 E66806.5010.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB2-Richard-Gross
4 E66806.5010.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 E66806.5010.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB6-Turner-Keller
4 E66806.5010.50B5-Cosman-ColeB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 E66806.5010.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 E66806.5010.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 E66806.5010.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB7-McKallip-Fackenthall

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
A Q 5
A K 4
10 6
Q J 6 4 3
8 7 4
Q 10 7 3 2
K 8 7
J 9 3 2
6 5
A Q 9 7 2
9 5
K 10 6
J 9 8
8 5 4 3
A 10 2

NS 4; NS 1N; NS 1; NS 1; EW 1;
Par +130: NS 2+2

3 NTN360016.001.00A7-Clark-SellsA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTN360016.001.00B5-Cosman-ColeB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 NTN360016.001.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB4-Cuneo-Keys
1 NTN315013.503.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA9-Drake-Laufman
1 NTN315013.503.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 N413012.005.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB6-Turner-Keller
3 N311011.006.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 W−11009.507.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA3-Hart-Henri
2 E−11009.507.50A9-McKee-BaerA6-Murray-Noble
1 NTN1906.0011.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA5-Marlatt-Carr
1 NTN1906.0011.00B1-Balter-HagedornB8-Morgan-Morgan
1 NTN1906.0011.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
1 NTS1906.0011.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB5-Jewett-Leiman
1 NTS1906.0011.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
3 NTN−22002.0015.00A2-Marlin-BettisA1-Bond-Curran
3 NTN−22002.0015.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA7-Hogle-Parker
3 NTN−22002.0015.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB2-Richard-Gross
3 NTN−33000.0017.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA8-Bickel-Rasmussen

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
K 8 6 5 4 3
A 10 9
Q 9
3 2
4 2
A K J 8 7 6 2
A 6 5
A Q 10 9
Q 7
5 4 3
Q J 9 4
J 2
K J 8 6 5 3
K 10 8 7

EW 5; NS 2; EW 1N; EW 2; EW 1;
Par −400: EW 5=

3 NTE−420017.000.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA9-Drake-Laufman
3 NTE−210015.501.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA4-Bain III-Rensi
5 W−210015.501.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB4-Cuneo-Keys
6 W−15012.504.50A2-Marlin-BettisA1-Bond-Curran
5 W−15012.504.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA5-Marlatt-Carr
5 W−15012.504.50A9-McKee-BaerA6-Murray-Noble
5 W−15012.504.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB2-Richard-Gross
3 W413010.007.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 W51509.008.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB6-Turner-Keller
5 N−52508.009.00A7-Clark-SellsA2-Dalton-Barski
5 W54006.5010.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA3-Hart-Henri
3 NTE34006.5010.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
5 W64204.5012.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
5 W64204.5012.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 NTE44303.0014.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 NTE64901.5015.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA7-Hogle-Parker
3 NTE64901.5015.50B5-Cosman-ColeB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 ×N−35000.0017.00B1-Balter-HagedornB8-Morgan-Morgan

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
K 8 3
K Q 10 6
J 6 4
K 10 7
A Q 6 4
A 8
Q 5
9 8 6 4 3
J 4 3 2
A K 10 9 3 2
J 2
J 9 7 5 2
9 7 5
8 7
A Q 5

EW 2N; EW 3; EW 2; NS 1; EW 1;
Par −120: EW 2N=

4 E−220017.000.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 S211015.501.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB5-Jewett-Leiman
1 S211015.501.50B5-Cosman-ColeB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 NTW−110013.503.50A7-Clark-SellsA2-Dalton-Barski
3 E−110013.503.50B1-Balter-HagedornB8-Morgan-Morgan
2 S−15011.006.00A2-Marlin-BettisA1-Bond-Curran
2 S−15011.006.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA7-Hogle-Parker
2 S−15011.006.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB2-Richard-Gross
2 S−21008.009.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA5-Marlatt-Carr
3 S−21008.009.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA4-Bain III-Rensi
2 S−21008.009.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 E31105.5011.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 E31105.5011.50A9-McKee-BaerA6-Murray-Noble
2 E41303.5013.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA9-Drake-Laufman
3 E41303.5013.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
1 NTN−31502.0015.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB6-Turner-Keller
1 NTE41801.0016.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 NTW36000.0017.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA3-Hart-Henri

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
A J 8 3
Q 3
9 8 7 5 4 3
10 9 7 6
A K J 7
J 10
K 3 2
10 8 6 4 2
6 2
A J 10 7 4
Q 5 4 2
9 5
Q 9 8 5

EW 4; NS 2; NS 3; EW 3;
Par −500: NS 4×−2; NS 5×−2

2 N417017.000.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA2-Dalton-Barski
3 N314015.002.00A9-McKee-BaerA5-Marlatt-Carr
2 N314015.002.00B1-Balter-HagedornB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 N314015.002.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB2-Richard-Gross
2 N211012.504.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Morgan-Morgan
2 S211012.504.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 E−110011.006.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 N−110010.007.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E31408.508.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 E31408.508.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA3-Hart-Henri
1 E41705.5011.50A2-Marlin-BettisA9-Drake-Laufman
3 E41705.5011.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA6-Murray-Noble
3 E41705.5011.50A7-Clark-SellsA1-Bond-Curran
3 E41705.5011.50B5-Cosman-ColeB6-Turner-Keller
3 N−22003.0014.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 W46202.0015.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 ×N−38001.0016.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 ×E59900.0017.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA7-Hogle-Parker

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
Q 4 3 2
10 8
10 5 3
K 10 7 5
A K 6
9 5 3
A K J 6
Q 4 3
A Q J 7 6 4 2
9 4
9 8 6 2
J 10 9 8 7 5
Q 8 7 2

EW 5N; EW 4; EW 4; EW 3; NS 1;
Par −460: EW 3N+2

5 E−210017.000.00B5-Cosman-ColeB6-Turner-Keller
5 E−15014.003.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA7-Hogle-Parker
5 E−15014.003.00A2-Marlin-BettisA9-Drake-Laufman
4 E−15014.003.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 E−15014.003.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 W−15014.003.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 S−15011.006.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 ×S−230010.007.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA3-Hart-Henri
4 W44208.009.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA6-Murray-Noble
4 W44208.009.00A9-McKee-BaerA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 E44208.009.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB5-Jewett-Leiman
5 E54504.0013.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA2-Dalton-Barski
4 W54504.0013.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 E54504.0013.00B1-Balter-HagedornB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 W54504.0013.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB2-Richard-Gross
5 E54504.0013.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 NTW54601.0016.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 W64800.0017.00A7-Clark-SellsA1-Bond-Curran

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
K Q 7 2
K 9
Q 10 9 6 2
K 7
A J 7 4
7 4
J 8 5 4 3 2
10 9 6 3
Q 10 6 5
A 8
Q 10 9
A J 5 4
8 3 2
K J 5 3
A 6

NS 5; NS 3N; NS 4; W 2; EW 1; E 1;
Par +650: NS 5=

4 S565012.504.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA7-Hogle-Parker
4 N565012.504.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA2-Dalton-Barski
4 N565012.504.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 S565012.504.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA6-Murray-Noble
4 S565012.504.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 S565012.504.50A7-Clark-SellsA1-Bond-Curran
4 N565012.504.50A9-McKee-BaerA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 S565012.504.50B1-Balter-HagedornB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 S565012.504.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 S565012.504.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 S46204.5012.50A2-Marlin-BettisA9-Drake-Laufman
4 S46204.5012.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA3-Hart-Henri
4 S46204.5012.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 N46204.5012.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB2-Richard-Gross
4 S46204.5012.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 S46204.5012.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 S52000.5016.50B5-Cosman-ColeB6-Turner-Keller
2 S52000.5016.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB5-Jewett-Leiman

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
A J 3
8 7 5
A Q 10 7 3 2
K 8 7 6 5
A 10 9 3
J 8 4
K Q 6
A K Q J 9 8 7
9 6
Q 9 4 2
J 4 2
5 4 3 2
K 5

EW 4; EW 4; NS 3;
Par −500: NS 5×−2

5 E−110017.000.00B5-Cosman-ColeB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 E413014.502.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA6-Murray-Noble
2 W413014.502.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA3-Hart-Henri
2 E413014.502.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA2-Dalton-Barski
4 E413014.502.50B1-Balter-HagedornB6-Turner-Keller
3 E51507.509.50A2-Marlin-BettisA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E51507.509.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA1-Bond-Curran
3 E51507.509.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA7-Hogle-Parker
4 E51507.509.50A9-McKee-BaerA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 E51507.509.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB8-Morgan-Morgan
3 E51507.509.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 E51507.509.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 E51507.509.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 E51507.509.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB2-Richard-Gross
3 E51507.509.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 E52001.5015.50A7-Clark-SellsA9-Drake-Laufman
3 S−22001.5015.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
5 E56000.0017.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA5-Marlatt-Carr

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
A J 5 4 2
J 8 6 5 4
8 7 5
K 9 8 7
9 3
10 9 3 2
Q 10 6 3 2
Q 10
A K 10 7
7 4
A J 9 4
6 3
Q 2
A J 8 6 5

NS 3N; NS 2; NS 3; NS 3; NS 1;
Par +400: NS 3N=

3 NTS546016.500.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA5-Marlatt-Carr
3 NTS546016.500.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 NTS443013.503.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA6-Murray-Noble
3 NTS443013.503.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA3-Hart-Henri
3 NTS443013.503.50B1-Balter-HagedornB6-Turner-Keller
3 NTS443013.503.50B5-Cosman-ColeB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 NTS340010.506.50A7-Clark-SellsA9-Drake-Laufman
3 NTN340010.506.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB2-Richard-Gross
2 NTS52109.008.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA2-Dalton-Barski
3 W−42008.009.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB8-Morgan-Morgan
3 E−31507.0010.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 S41305.5011.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA7-Hogle-Parker
2 S41305.5011.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
2 NTS21204.0013.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 N21103.0014.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA1-Bond-Curran
3 NTN−1501.5015.50A2-Marlin-BettisA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 N−1501.5015.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 NT×S−35000.0017.00A9-McKee-BaerA4-Bain III-Rensi

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
8 6 4 3 2
A J 6 4 2
9 8
J 10 5
K 5 4 3
A K J 6 5
10 7 5 3
Q 7 6 2
Q 4 2
Q 9 7
Q 9 8
A J 10
9 8 7 3

EW 4; EW 2N; NS 2; NS 2; EW 3;
Par −130: EW 3+1

3 NTW−315017.000.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA3-Hart-Henri
2 S211016.001.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 W−210015.002.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTE−15013.503.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA1-Bond-Curran
3 NTW−15013.503.50A7-Clark-SellsA9-Drake-Laufman
1 NTE19012.005.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB2-Richard-Gross
2 S−110011.006.00A2-Marlin-BettisA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 W311010.007.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 W41308.508.50B1-Balter-HagedornB6-Turner-Keller
2 W41308.508.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
1 NTW31506.5010.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
1 NTW31506.5010.50B5-Cosman-ColeB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 NTE34003.5013.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA6-Murray-Noble
3 NTE34003.5013.50A9-McKee-BaerA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 NTE34003.5013.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 NTS−44003.5013.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB4-Cuneo-Keys
3 NTW44300.5016.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA7-Hogle-Parker
3 NTE44300.5016.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB8-Morgan-Morgan

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
K 7 5
K 8 3
A J 3
J 10 6 3
J 6 3
J 7 6 2
10 8 6 2
7 2
A 2
A Q 10 9 5 4
9 7
Q 8 5
Q 10 9 8 4
K Q 5 4
A K 9 4

NS 6; N 6; N 3N; NS 5; S 5; EW 2;
Par +980: NS 6=

6 S698017.000.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 S648015.501.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 S648015.501.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB2-Richard-Gross
4 S545012.005.00A7-Clark-SellsA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 S545012.005.00B1-Balter-HagedornB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 S545012.005.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 S545012.005.00B5-Cosman-ColeB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 S545012.005.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Turner-Keller
4 S44208.508.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA9-Drake-Laufman
4 N44208.508.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 NTN34006.5010.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTN34006.5010.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA1-Bond-Curran
3 S52005.0012.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB8-Morgan-Morgan
2 N51504.0013.00A9-McKee-BaerA3-Hart-Henri
6 S−1502.5014.50A2-Marlin-BettisA7-Hogle-Parker
4 S−1502.5014.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 S−21001.0016.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA6-Murray-Noble
6 S−31500.0017.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB7-McKallip-Fackenthall

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
Q 7
A J 8 6 5
J 6 4
K 8 5
K J 8 3
Q 7 3 2
A K 8 5 3
10 9 6 2
K 10 9
Q 10 9 2
9 4
A 5 4
A Q J 10 7 6 3 2

EW 4; NS 5; NS 2N; EW 2; EW 3;
Par +100: EW 5×−1

5 ×S665017.000.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
5 ×S555016.001.00A2-Marlin-BettisA7-Hogle-Parker
5 S642014.502.50B1-Balter-HagedornB5-Jewett-Leiman
5 S642014.502.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
5 S540011.006.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA9-Drake-Laufman
5 S540011.006.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA4-Bain III-Rensi
5 S540011.006.00A7-Clark-SellsA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
5 S540011.006.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
5 S540011.006.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 S51507.0010.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA1-Bond-Curran
4 S51507.0010.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB2-Richard-Gross
4 S51507.0010.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 W−1505.0012.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA2-Dalton-Barski
6 S−1504.0013.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA5-Marlatt-Carr
6 S−21003.0014.00A9-McKee-BaerA3-Hart-Henri
3 E41702.0015.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA6-Murray-Noble
5 W54001.0016.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Turner-Keller
5 E54500.0017.00B5-Cosman-ColeB4-Cuneo-Keys

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
Q 7 6 5
Q J 4
Q 5
Q 10 5 2
J 8 3
K 10 8 7 3 2
8 7 2
9 4
A 5
A 6 4
A 9 8 7 6 3
A K 10 2
9 6
K J 10 9 3
J 4

EW 2; NS 2; NS 1; EW 1;
Par −110: EW 2=

2 S417016.500.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA1-Bond-Curran
2 S417016.500.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
2 NTN315015.002.00A7-Clark-SellsA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 S314013.503.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB6-Turner-Keller
3 S314013.503.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB8-Morgan-Morgan
2 N211012.005.00B1-Balter-HagedornB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 E−210011.006.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
2 S29010.007.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA2-Dalton-Barski
3 W−1507.509.50A2-Marlin-BettisA7-Hogle-Parker
4 W−1507.509.50A9-McKee-BaerA3-Hart-Henri
2 E−1507.509.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
2 W−1507.509.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB9-Sullivan-Yoder
3 S−11004.0013.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA5-Marlatt-Carr
2 S−11004.0013.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA9-Drake-Laufman
3 S−11004.0013.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB2-Richard-Gross
2 W21101.0016.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA4-Bain III-Rensi
2 W21101.0016.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA6-Murray-Noble
2 W21101.0016.00B5-Cosman-ColeB4-Cuneo-Keys

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
A K 10 7
K J 9 4 3
Q 8 3
10 5
A 9 7 5
Q J 10 8 6 3
9 2
A Q 8 6 2
K J 6 4 2
Q J 8 5 4 3
K 7 5 4 2

NS 4; EW 5; EW 2; EW 3; EW 1N;
Par −100: NS 5×−1

4 ×W−380017.000.00A2-Marlin-BettisA6-Murray-Noble
4 ×S459016.001.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 ×E−250015.002.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB2-Richard-Gross
4 N545013.503.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA3-Hart-Henri
4 S545013.503.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 S442010.007.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 S442010.007.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 S442010.007.00B5-Cosman-ColeB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 S442010.007.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 S442010.007.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
5 E−22006.5010.50A7-Clark-SellsA7-Hogle-Parker
2 S52006.5010.50A9-McKee-BaerA2-Dalton-Barski
4 S−1503.5013.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA1-Bond-Curran
4 S−1503.5013.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 S−1503.5013.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA9-Drake-Laufman
4 S−1503.5013.50B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB6-Turner-Keller
5 ×S−11000.5016.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 S−21000.5016.50B1-Balter-HagedornB4-Cuneo-Keys

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
K 9 8 7
J 7 4
10 9 5
9 8 2
A Q 10 6 5
A K Q 4
A 3
4 2
Q 9 6 5 3
8 6 3 2
Q 5
J 3
10 8 2
J 7
K J 10 7 6 4

E 6N; E 6; W 5N; E 5; EW 4; W 4; W 5; EW 1;
Par −1440: E 6N=

6 W−220016.500.50A2-Marlin-BettisA6-Murray-Noble
6 E−220016.500.50B5-Cosman-ColeB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 W−110013.503.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA5-Marlatt-Carr
2 W−110013.503.50A9-McKee-BaerA2-Dalton-Barski
4 W−110013.503.50B1-Balter-HagedornB4-Cuneo-Keys
6 NTW−110013.503.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
1 W417011.006.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA3-Hart-Henri
3 NTW360010.007.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 W46208.508.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA9-Drake-Laufman
4 W46208.508.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 E56506.5010.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA1-Bond-Curran
4 W56506.5010.50A7-Clark-SellsA7-Hogle-Parker
3 NTW56604.5012.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 NTW56604.5012.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
3 NTW66902.0015.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB6-Turner-Keller
3 NTE66902.0015.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 NTE66902.0015.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB2-Richard-Gross
6 E613700.0017.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA8-Bickel-Rasmussen

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
K 10 9 6
K 10 6
A J 5
Q 9 5
4 2
J 8 4 3 2
K 3
A 7 4 3
A Q J 8 3
Q 8 7 4
K 10 6
7 5
A Q 7 5
10 9 6 2
J 8 2

EW 2; N 1N; EW 1; W 1; EW 1;
Par −110: EW 2=

1 NTN212016.500.50B1-Balter-HagedornB4-Cuneo-Keys
1 NTN212016.500.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
1 NTS19014.003.00A9-McKee-BaerA2-Dalton-Barski
1 NTN19014.003.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB6-Turner-Keller
1 NTN19014.003.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
1 NTW−15011.006.00A2-Marlin-BettisA6-Murray-Noble
3 E−15011.006.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA5-Marlatt-Carr
2 W−15011.006.00B5-Cosman-ColeB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
1 E1809.008.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB9-Sullivan-Yoder
2 NTN−11008.009.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA4-Bain III-Rensi
1 E21106.5010.50A3-Whaling-JohnsonA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
2 E21106.5010.50A7-Clark-SellsA7-Hogle-Parker
2 E31404.5012.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA1-Bond-Curran
2 E31404.5012.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB2-Richard-Gross
2 S−22002.5014.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA3-Hart-Henri
2 N−22002.5014.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB5-Jewett-Leiman
1 ×E22601.0016.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA9-Drake-Laufman
2 N−33000.0017.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB8-Morgan-Morgan

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
K 10 9 8 4 3
Q 5 3
10 7 6
10 8 4
A 9 3
J 9 8 6 2
A J 9 7 2
K 8 5 4
A K 10 3
J 7 6 5 2
K 6
Q J 2
Q 7 5

EW 4; W 3N; EW 4; EW 4; NS 2; E 1N;
Par −300: NS 4×−2

6 E−330017.000.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB6-Turner-Keller
5 E−220016.001.00A9-McKee-BaerA1-Bond-Curran
5 E−110015.002.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 N−15014.003.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 N−210012.504.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA3-Hart-Henri
4 N−210012.504.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA9-Drake-Laufman
4 W413011.006.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA2-Dalton-Barski
4 W515010.007.00B1-Balter-HagedornB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 ×N−23008.508.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 ×S−23008.508.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB8-Morgan-Morgan
5 ×N−35007.0010.00A2-Marlin-BettisA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 E46206.0011.00A7-Clark-SellsA6-Murray-Noble
4 E56504.0013.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 E56504.0013.00B5-Cosman-ColeB2-Richard-Gross
5 E56504.0013.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 E66801.5015.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA4-Bain III-Rensi
5 E66801.5015.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
5 ×S−48000.0017.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA7-Hogle-Parker

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
A 9 5 3
5 3 2
Q 8 5
Q 10 4
Q 8 4 2
K Q 8
A 7 4
J 8 5
K J 7 6
A 9 7
K 6 3
K 6 2
J 10 6 4
J 10 9 2
A 9 7 3

EW 3N; EW 3; EW 1; EW 1; EW 1;
Par −600: EW 3N=

4 E−330017.000.00B1-Balter-HagedornB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 E−220014.003.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA2-Dalton-Barski
3 NTE−220014.003.00A7-Clark-SellsA6-Murray-Noble
4 E−220014.003.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 E−220014.003.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 W−220014.003.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 W−11007.0010.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA3-Hart-Henri
4 E−11007.0010.00A2-Marlin-BettisA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 E−11007.0010.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA7-Hogle-Parker
4 E−11007.0010.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA9-Drake-Laufman
4 E−11007.0010.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W−11007.0010.00A9-McKee-BaerA1-Bond-Curran
4 E−11007.0010.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 NTW−11007.0010.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 E−11007.0010.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB6-Turner-Keller
2 W31402.0015.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB8-Morgan-Morgan
3 NTE36000.5016.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA4-Bain III-Rensi
3 NTE36000.5016.50B5-Cosman-ColeB2-Richard-Gross

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
Q 6 4
K J 10
9 6 5
8 5 3 2
A J 9 3 2
9 8 7
7 2
A K 7
K 10 8 5
Q 2
K Q 10 3
Q J 10
A 6 5 4 3
A J 8 4
9 6 4

EW 4; EW 1N; NS 1; EW 1; EW 1;
Par −420: EW 4=

7 ×E−480017.000.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
4 W−210016.001.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA2-Dalton-Barski
4 W−1509.008.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA3-Hart-Henri
4 W−1509.008.00A2-Marlin-BettisA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 W−1509.008.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA7-Hogle-Parker
4 W−1509.008.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA9-Drake-Laufman
4 W−1509.008.00A7-Clark-SellsA6-Murray-Noble
4 W−1509.008.00A9-McKee-BaerA1-Bond-Curran
4 W−1509.008.00B1-Balter-HagedornB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 W−1509.008.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB5-Jewett-Leiman
4 W−1509.008.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 W−1509.008.00B5-Cosman-ColeB2-Richard-Gross
4 W−1509.008.00B7-Gillespie-GranthamB6-Turner-Keller
4 W−1509.008.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 W−1509.008.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 W44201.0016.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 W44201.0016.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 W44201.0016.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB4-Cuneo-Keys

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
K 10 9 6 5
J 8 4
J 10 7 2
Q 6
J 7 2
A K 8 6 5 4 3
J 7
A K 10 9 5 2
A Q 10 8 3
A Q 8 4 2
7 3
K 9 5 4
Q 9

EW 5; EW 5; EW 4; EW 2N; NS 2;
Par −500: NS 5×−3

5 E−220016.001.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA2-Dalton-Barski
6 E−220016.001.00B1-Balter-HagedornB2-Richard-Gross
4 E−220016.001.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
4 S−15013.503.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 S−15013.503.50A9-McKee-BaerA9-Drake-Laufman
4 S−210011.505.50A7-Clark-SellsA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 S−210011.505.50B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 E515010.007.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB6-Turner-Keller
4 ×S−23009.008.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB9-Sullivan-Yoder
5 ×S−35008.009.00A5-Longmire-MatteiA1-Bond-Curran
5 E56006.5010.50B5-Cosman-ColeB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
5 E56006.5010.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB5-Jewett-Leiman
5 E66205.0012.00A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA7-Hogle-Parker
4 E56503.0014.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA6-Murray-Noble
4 E56503.0014.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA3-Hart-Henri
5 E56503.0014.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB4-Cuneo-Keys
5 E66800.5016.50A2-Marlin-BettisA4-Bain III-Rensi
5 E66800.5016.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB7-McKallip-Fackenthall

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
K Q J 6 2
A K Q 8 6 2
7 6
10 4
9 5 4 3
J 9 4 2
K Q 9
A 9 8 7 5 3
K 10
10 5 4 3 2
J 10 7
A Q 8 7 6 5 3
A J 8

NS 7; NS 4N; NS 3; NS 1; NS 1;
Par +2000: EW 7×−7

6 N7146016.001.00A1-Bernstein-RiceA2-Dalton-Barski
6 N7146016.001.00A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
6 N7146016.001.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB4-Cuneo-Keys
4 N771013.004.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA6-Murray-Noble
4 N771013.004.00B5-Cosman-ColeB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
4 N771013.004.00B8-Ehrman-ChappellB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
4 N66808.508.50A2-Marlin-BettisA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 N66808.508.50A6-O'Donnell-PerezA3-Hart-Henri
4 N66808.508.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA7-Hogle-Parker
4 N66808.508.50A9-McKee-BaerA9-Drake-Laufman
4 N66808.508.50B1-Balter-HagedornB2-Richard-Gross
5 N66808.508.50B3-Eveld-TorreysonB6-Turner-Keller
4 N56504.5012.50A7-Clark-SellsA5-Marlatt-Carr
4 N56504.5012.50B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB9-Sullivan-Yoder
4 N46203.0014.00B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
2 ×E−25002.0015.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB8-Morgan-Morgan
6 N−11000.5016.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA1-Bond-Curran
6 N−11000.5016.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB5-Jewett-Leiman

Wednesday Invitational Game

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
K 3
K 8 7
Q 8 6 4
Q J 7 5
Q 9 6 5 2
6 3 2
J 5 3
K 6
A 10 8 7
A Q J 10 9
A 8 2
J 4
5 4
A K 10 7 2
10 9 4 3

EW 5; EW 5; EW 1N; NS 1;
Par −450: EW 4+1; EW 4+1

3 NTN−15016.500.50A1-Bernstein-RiceA2-Dalton-Barski
3 S−15016.500.50A5-Longmire-MatteiA1-Bond-Curran
2 E211015.002.00A6-O'Donnell-PerezA3-Hart-Henri
3 E417014.003.00B2-Farooki-McElwain-HickB4-Cuneo-Keys
1 W52009.507.50A4-Russell-Du Bose JrA8-Bickel-Rasmussen
3 E52009.507.50A7-Clark-SellsA5-Marlatt-Carr
3 E52009.507.50A8-Cabiness-WestbrookA7-Hogle-Parker
3 E52009.507.50B1-Balter-HagedornB2-Richard-Gross
1 E52009.507.50B5-Cosman-ColeB1-Van Dame-Van Dame
2 W52009.507.50B6-Silvey-ThomsonB3-Cullivan Hock-Belford
3 E52009.507.50B7-Gillespie-GranthamB5-Jewett-Leiman
3 E52009.507.50B8-Ehrman-ChappellB7-McKallip-Fackenthall
3 W62305.0012.00A9-McKee-BaerA9-Drake-Laufman
4 W54502.0015.00A2-Marlin-BettisA4-Bain III-Rensi
4 W54502.0015.00A3-Whaling-JohnsonA6-Murray-Noble
4 E54502.0015.00B3-Eveld-TorreysonB6-Turner-Keller
4 W54502.0015.00B4-Solovitz-EmmonsB8-Morgan-Morgan
4 E54502.0015.00B9-Goldgar-GoldgarB9-Sullivan-Yoder