2015 Election Sectional

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Morn 1 Of 2  |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 25, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/25/2015 14:00|EVENT CODE>25O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>April Election
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=4/C=2                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Debi Balter            Jack Balter              A    4     .     .    257.56  56.11  0.84(A)     G -11 - N-S
 2 David King             Tera Boyd                C    .     2     1    228.46  49.77  0.73(B)     H - 2 - E-W
 3 Eric Snow              Toni Snow                A    .     .     .    225.48  49.12              G - 5 - N-S
 4 Carolyn Lanier         Karen Hearn              B    .     .     .    210.27  45.81              G - 4 - N-S
 5 Lily Andre             James Andre              A    2     .     .    280.50  61.11  1.69(A)     H - 5 - E-W
 6 Barbara Abney          Saundra Dickinson        C    .     .     .    225.21  49.07              H - 6 - E-W
 7 Michael Bossert        Sara Bossert             A    .     .     .    218.00  47.49              G - 7 - N-S
 8 Atsuko Nakamura        Raymond Alexanian        B    3     1     .    260.03  56.65  1.21(A)     H - 8 - E-W
 9 Dianna Gittelman       Lew Levy                 A    1     .     .    294.67  64.20  2.41(A)     H - 3 - E-W
10 Audley Karrasch        Brigitte Sandifer        A    .     .     .    250.24  54.52              H - 9 - E-W
11 Daniel Jackson         Bill Gervais             A    .     .     .    235.23  51.25              G - 5 - E-W

                                          Totals                        2685.65

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>     4                 7    11-   17     7    14-    7    16     0
        -170   ----  ---- -140  -100   120  -140   -50  -140    50  -800

   2>    10                10     3-   10    10     3-   17     3-   10
        -140   ----  ---- -140  -200  -140  -140  -200   100  -200  -140

   3>    11                 0    14-    3     8-   14-   10     1-    5
         100   ----  ---- -630   200  -170  -110   200   -50  -180  -140

   4>    15     8                17     4     4    13-   10    16    12
         620   130   ----  ----  800  -100  -100   600   150   650   200

   5>     5-   11-               11-   11-    2    11-   11-   11-    1
         620   650   ----  ----  650   650  -100   650   650   650  -140

   6>    11     5-               11     7-    2-    2-    7-   11     2-
         120    90   ----  ----  120   110   -50   -50   110   120   -50

   7>     9-    2-    9-               15-    2-   15-    9-    9-   17
        -170  -620  -170   ----  ---- -140  -620  -140  -170  -170  -100

   8>    16    12     6-                2-   10-    6-    1     0     6-
         100  -300  -430   ----  ---- -460  -400  -430  -550  -650  -430

   9>     7    15     9                15    15    13     3-   17     3-
        -300   140  -150   ----  ----  140   140   -50  -600   530  -600

  10>     8     2     4    17                 8     8    13-    2     8
         120  -100   110   600   ----  ----  120   120   150  -100   120

  11>     3    15    15    12                 3    15    17     8    10
          50   440   440   420   ----  ----   50   440  1090   170   400

  12>    15     5     5    17                10-    5    15     5    12-
         170  -100  -100   620   ----  ----  100  -100   170  -100   140

  13>    11    14-   14-    5     1                11    11    14-    2-
        -100   100   100  -130  -500   ----  ---- -100  -100   100  -200

  14>     9    15-    0     2-   13                 9     9     9    12
         150   400  -100    50   300   ----  ----  150   150   150   200

  15>    12-    5     1-   12-   12-                5     7     1-   12-
         630   600  -100   630   630   ----  ----  600   620  -100   630

  16>    16     3-    3-   13    13     0                13     8     3-
        PASS  -140  -140   -50   -50  -620   ----  ----  -50  -100  -140

  17>    11    11    11    11    11     3                11    11    11
        1020  1020  1020  1020  1020   520   ----  ---- 1020  1020  1020

  18>     5-    1     3     5-   17     7-               12-   15    10-
        -120  -200  -130  -120   300  -110   ----  ----  100   140    50

  19>     5     8    14-    1-   14-    9-    5                14-    9-
         510   920  1010   480  1010   980   510   ----  ---- 1010   980

  20>    13     5     5     5     9    15     1                11-    9
        -110  -170  -170  -170  -150   100  -600   ----  ---- -140  -150

  21>   0.56        3.74 11.15  3.74    8- 11.15             13.26 15.38
        -100    NP   100   150   100   130   150   ----  ----  170   300

  22>    16     1     9-    9-    1     9-    9-   16                 9-
        -200  -680  -650  -650  -680  -650  -650  -200   ----  ---- -650

  23>    13-   13-   13-    5     8    13-    8    17                 8
         100   100   100  -150  -140   100  -140   180   ----  ---- -140

  24>     4-    4-   15-   11-    4-   11-   15-   11-               15-
         400   400   460   430   400   430   460   430   ----  ----  460

  25>    13    13    13     4     6     4    13    13     7-
         140   140   140   -50    90   -50   140   140   110   ----  ----

  26>     3    15     3     6    17    10-    3    10-   13
        -130   130  -130  -110   150  PASS  -130  PASS   100   ----  ----

  27>     9    13     4     4    17    13     4     4    13
        -490    50  -990  -990   100    50  -990  -990    50   ----  ----

  28>           6     6     9    16     3     9     9    12    17
         ---- -110  -110  -100   110  -130  -100  -100    50   150   ----

  29>           4    16    10    16     2     1    10    16     4
         ----  130   600   150   600   120    90   150   600   130   ----

  30>          10     7     2    10    13    17     4    10      -
         ----  110   100  -100   110   140   590   -50   110  -150   ----

  31>                11     0     8-   13     5     8-   17    13     5
         ----  ----   90  -200    50   100  -100    50   150   100  -100

  32>                 8- 15.38  4.26  2.15 15.38  0.03  4.26 12.74    8-
         ----  ----  100   300  -620  -650   300 -1440  -620   200   100

  33>              12.74  3.74    8-  0.56 16.97    8- 15.91  3.74 14.85
         ----  ----   50  -150  -100  -300   170  -100   140  -150   100

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Morn 1 Of 2  |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 25, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/25/2015 14:00|EVENT CODE>25O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>April Election
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=5/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Nelson Brown, Jr       Dana Brown               A    2     .     .    242.14  52.75  1.69(A)     G - 1 - N-S
 2 Bob Matlock            Troy Carr                C    4     1     1    222.24  48.42  1.12(B)     G - 2 - N-S
 3 Mary Watters           Joan Pleason             A    .     .     .    181.91  39.63              G - 3 - N-S
 4 Phyllis Timko          Donald Timko             B    .     .     .    180.12  39.24              H - 4 - E-W
 5 Vic Sowers             J Evans                  A    3     .     .    239.47  52.17  1.21(A)     H - 1 - E-W
 6 William Bonham         Carl Estes               C    .     2     .    213.20  46.45  0.78(B)     G - 2 - E-W
 7 Sharon Haley           Wanda Meyer              A    .     .     .    210.68  45.90              H - 7 - E-W
 8 Lourdes Fletcher       Sherry Withers           B    .     .     .    194.59  42.39              G - 8 - N-S
 9 Ann Brinker Schwall    Stephen Schwall          A    .     .     .    217.02  47.28              G - 9 - N-S
10 Sandra Clark           Michael Tannery          A    1     .     .    252.00  54.90  2.41(A)     G -10 - N-S
11 Stephen Banks          Carol Banks              C    .     .     .    208.65  45.46              One Session

                                          Totals                        2362.02

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>    13    10           2-         10    10     1     5-   17     0
         170   140   ----   50   ----  140   140   -50   100   800  -120

   2>     7     7          13-          0     7    13-   13-    7     7
         140   140   ----  200   ---- -100   140   200   200   140   140

   3>     6     8-          2-          7    17    15-    2-   12    14
        -100   110   ---- -200   ----   50   630   180  -200   140   170

   4>    13     9     3-          7           1     0     5    13     2
         100  -130  -600   ---- -150   ---- -650  -800  -200   100  -620

   5>    15     5-    5-          5-          5-    5-   16     5-   11-
         100  -650  -650   ---- -650   ---- -650  -650   140  -650  -620

   6>    14-   11-   14-          9-          6     6    14-    9-    6
          50   -90    50   ---- -110   ---- -120  -120    50  -110  -120

   7>    14-    1-    7-    7-          7-          0     1-    7-   14-
         620   140   170   170   ----  170   ----  100   140   170   620

   8>     5    10-   10-   16          17          10-   14-    1     6-
         300   430   430   550   ----  650   ----  430   460  -100   400

   9>     2     4     8    13-          0          13-    2    10     2
        -140    50   150   600   ---- -530   ----  600  -140   300  -140

  10>     9    13     3-    0    15           9           9     9    15
        -120  -110  -150  -600   100   ---- -120   ---- -120  -120   100

  11>     2     2     0     5     9           7          14    14     2
        -440  -440 -1090  -420  -170   ---- -400   ----  -50   -50  -440

  12>    12    12     2     0    12           4-          2     6-   12
         100   100  -170  -620   100   ---- -140   ---- -170  -100   100

  13>     2-    6    12     2-   16    14-          6           2-    6
        -100   100   130  -100   500   200   ----  100   ---- -100   100

  14>    17     8    14-    8     4     5           8           1-    8
         100  -150   -50  -150  -300  -200   ---- -150   ---- -400  -150

  15>    15-   10     4-   15-    4-    4-          4-         12    12
         100  -620  -630   100  -630  -630   ---- -630   ---- -600  -600

  16>     4     4     9     4    13-   17     1          13-         13-
          50    50   100    50   140   620  PASS   ----  140   ----  140

  17>     6     6     6     6     6    14     6           6           6
       -1020 -1020 -1020 -1020 -1020  -520 -1020   -----1020   -----1020

  18>     4-   11-    2     0     6-    9-   11-         16          14
        -100   120  -140  -300   -50   110   120   ----  200   ----  130

  19>    15-    2-    2-    7-    7-   12    12     9           2-
        -480 -1010 -1010  -980  -980  -510  -510  -920   -----1010   ----

  20>    12     5-    8     8     2     4    16    12          12
         170   140   150   150  -100   110   600   170   ----  170   ----

  21>   5.85  3.74 13.26  1.62    8- 16.44  5.85             13.26
        -150  -170  -100  -300  -130   100  -150    NP   ---- -100   ----

  22>          16     7-    7-    1     7-   16     1     7-          7-
         ----  680   650   650   200   650   680   200   650   ----  650

  23>           9     9     3-    3-    9     3-    0     3-         12
         ----  140   140  -100  -100   140  -100  -180  -100   ----  150

  24>          12-    1-    5-   12-    1-   12-    5-    1-          5-
         ---- -400  -460  -430  -400  -460  -400  -430  -460   ---- -430

  25>    11          13     4     4     4     4     4     9-   13
         -90   ----   50  -140  -140  -140  -140  -140  -110    50   ----

  26>     0           6-   14    14     2     6-   14     4    11
        -150   ---- PASS   130   130  -130  PASS   130  -100   110   ----

  27>     0           4     8    13     4    13    13     4    13
        -100   ----  -50   490   990   -50   990   990   -50   990   ----

  28>          14           8    11     8    11     5     8     0     1
         ----  130   ----  100   110   100   110   -50   100  -150  -110

  29>          15          16    13     7     1     1     7    13     1
         ---- -120   ----  -90  -130  -150  -600  -600  -150  -130  -600

  30>           4           0     7    13    10     7    15    16-    7
         ---- -140   ---- -590  -110    50  -100  -110   100   150  -110

  31>     4          12           8-    6     0    17     4     8-   12
        -100   ----  100   ----  -50   -90  -150   200  -100   -50   100

  32>  14.85        1.62       16.97    8- 12.74  1.62  4.26 12.74    8-
         650   ---- -300   ---- 1440  -100   620  -300  -200   620  -100

  33>  16.44        0.03          8-  4.26  1.09 13.26 13.26    8-  2.15
         300   ---- -170   ----  100   -50  -140   150   150   100  -100

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Morn 1 Of 2  |SECTION> H N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 25, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/25/2015 14:00|EVENT CODE>25O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>April Election
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=5/C=3                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Donald White           Clif Capen               A    4     .     .    221.76  48.31  0.84(A)     G - 1 - E-W
 2 Carl Hogan             Shyam Bhatia             B    .     2     .    216.74  47.22  0.78(B)     G - 8 - E-W
 3 Georgiana Gates        Daniel Suty              A    1     .     .    242.47  52.83  2.41(A)     G - 3 - E-W
 4 Anna Alix              Beverley Cheatham        B    .     1     .    219.65  47.85  1.12(B)     G - 4 - E-W
 5 Theron Lindsey         Jo Ann O'Malley          A    2     .     .    242.06  52.74  1.69(A)     H - 5 - N-S
 6 Dee Coats              Norma Porter             C    .     .     .    169.64  36.96              G - 6 - E-W
 7 Randall Lake           Oren Moore               A    .     .     .    194.86  42.45              G - 7 - E-W
 8 Evelyn Berger          Kay Kennedy              C    .     .     1    201.35  43.87  0.78(C)     G - 6 - N-S
 9 Ralda St Pierre        Edward Groner            A    3     .     .    239.62  52.20  1.21(A)     H - 9 - N-S
10 Karen Jones            MJ Patricia Harley       C    .     .     .    196.83  42.88              H -10 - N-S
11 Kerr Godfrey           Kay Johnson              A    .     .     .    218.36  47.57              H -11 - N-S

                                          Totals                        2363.34

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>     1                 7    11-   11-   11-    2-   14-    7     2-
        -500   ----  ---- -140  -100  -100  -100  -420   -50  -140  -420

   2>    10                10      -   10    16    15      -    3-   10
        -140   ----  ---- -140  -530  -140    50  -100  -530  -200  -140

   3>     6-               14-   14-    4     8-    1-   14-    6-   14-
        -120   ----  ----  200   200  -150  -110  -180   200  -120   200

   4>     4     1                10     4    13-    7     0    10     4
        -100  -130   ----  ----  150  -100   600   110  -300   150  -100

   5>    11-   11-               17     0    11-    3     5-   11-    4
         650   650   ----  ----  850  -400   650    50   620   650   100

   6>    17     5-               15    16    14     0    11    11     2-
         280    90   ----  ----  150   200   130   -90   120   120   -50

   7>     9-    2-    9-                2-    2-    9-    9-   14     2-
        -170  -620  -170   ----  ---- -620  -620  -170  -170  -150  -620

   8>    13     6-    6-               17    14    15     6-   10-    2-
        -240  -430  -430   ----  ----  150  -180    50  -430  -400  -460

   9>     0     3-   11-                9     3-    9    11-    3-    3-
       -1100  -600  -100   ----  ---- -150  -600  -150  -100  -600  -600

  10>     8    13-   13-    8                13-   16     0     8     2
         120   150   150   120   ----  ----  150   200  -200   120  -100

  11>     7     5    12     6                 1     0     3    12     9
         140   100   420   110   ----  ----  -50  -110    50   420   200

  12>     0    12-   15    10-                5     5     5     5     5
        -530   140   170   100   ----  ---- -100  -100  -100  -100  -100

  13>     8     8     0     8     2-                5    17     5    14-
        -110  -110  -800  -110  -200   ----  ---- -130   110  -130   100

  14>     2-   15-   15-    9     5                 5    15-    5     1
          50   400   400   150   100   ----  ----  100   400   100   -50

  15>    12-    5     3    12-   12-                0    12-   12-   12-
         630   600   500   630   630   ----  ---- -200   630   630   630

  16>    13     8     8     3-   17     8                 8     1    13
         -50  -100  -100  -140   110  -100   ----  ---- -100  -170   -50

  17>    11    11    11     3    11     0                 3     1    11
        1020  1020  1020   520  1020   130   ----  ----  520   490  1020

  18>    15     3    10-    9     7-    3                12-    0    15
         140  -130    50  -100  -110  -130   ----  ----  100  -400   140

  19>     5    11     0    14-    5     1-   14-                5    14-
         510   990   -50  1010   510   480  1010   ----  ----  510  1010

  20>     2    16-    9    11-    0     5     5                14    16-
        -200   200  -150  -140  -630  -170  -170   ----  ----  -90   200

  21>  13.26  3.74 16.97    8-  3.74  6.38  0.56                8- 15.38
         170   100   600   130   100   110  -100   ----  ----  130   300

  22>    16     9-    3-    9-    9-    1     9-    9-                3-
        -200  -650  -660  -650  -650  -680  -650  -650   ----  ---- -660

  23>     3-   13-    3-    1     8     8     1    13-                1
        -170   100  -170  -620  -140  -140  -620   100   ----  ---- -620

  24>    15-    4-    4-    4-    4-    4-    4-   11-                4-
         460   400   400   400   400   400   400   430   ----  ----  400

  25>     4    13    13    13    13     7-    1     1     1
         -50   140   140   140   140   110  -100  -100  -100   ----  ----

  26>     0     3    15    10-    7-    3     7-   10-   15
        -400  -130   130  PASS  -100  -130  -100  PASS   130   ----  ----

  27>    13    13     4     4    13     4     4     4    13
          50    50  -990  -990    50  -990  -990  -990    50   ----  ----

  28>           3      -   12    14-   14-     -   12     3     6
         ---- -130  -200    50   100   100  -200    50  -130  -110   ----

  29>           4    10    10     0    10    10    10    10    10
         ----  130   150   150  -200   150   150   150   150   150   ----

  30>          10    14      -   15-    4     4     6    15-   10
         ----  110   170  -150   500   -50   -50    50   500   110   ----

  31>                15-    8-    1     2-    5    15-   13     2-    8-
         ----  ----  110    50  -140  -110  -100   110   100  -110    50

  32>                 8-    8- 16.97  4.26 12.74    8-    8-  1.09 12.74
         ----  ----  AVE   100   400  -620   200   100   100  -690   200

  33>                 8-  2.15  5.85    8-  0.56  5.85 10.62 12.74 12.74
         ----  ----  AVE  -210  -110  -100  -300  -110   -50    50    50

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>Morn 1 Of 2  |SECTION> H E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>April 25, 2015     |SANCTION>S1504015  | 04/25/2015 14:00|EVENT CODE>25O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  229.5 |TOP>  17 |MP LIMITS>None/2000/750  |CLUB>April Election
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=11/B=5/C=2                      ,---,-------------------------,------,---------,--------------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |           Section       |      |Section  | Next Session |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |Sect Table Dir|
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ --------- --------------
 1 Max Levit              Ariel Leibovitz          A    4     .     .    243.74  53.10  0.84(A)     H - 1 - N-S
 2 Gary See               Stephen Bickel           C    .     .     .    192.50  41.94              H - 2 - N-S
 3 Stephen Reichek        Shawn Quinn              A    1     .     .    331.46  72.21  2.41(A)     H - 3 - N-S
 4 Gerhard Ohlendorf      Rose Marie Cleveland     B    .     2     .    238.62  51.99  0.78(B)     H - 4 - N-S
 5 Patricia McGee Cullen  Peggy Geiler             B    3     1     .    251.27  54.74  1.21(A)     H -10 - E-W
 6 John Caudill           Carol Jewett             C    .     .     1    237.74  51.80  0.72(C)     H - 6 - N-S
 7 Amaidas Makken         Julie Halperin           A    .     .     .    220.32  48.00              H - 7 - N-S
 8 Barbara Grantham       Glenda Stieber           B    .     .     .    223.11  48.61              H - 8 - N-S
 9 Tom Breed              Vinh Tran                A    2     .     .    277.17  60.39  1.69(A)     G - 9 - E-W
10 Betsy Dubose           Barbara La Vigne         A    .     .     .    238.21  51.90              G -10 - E-W
11 Richard Wilson         John Lindsey             A    .     .     .    231.52  50.44              G -11 - E-W

                                          Totals                        2685.66

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
   1>    16     5-         14-          2-   10    10     5-   14-    5-
         500   100   ----  420   ----   50   140   140   100   420   100

   2>     7     1           2          16-    7    13-   16-    7     7
         140   -50   ----  100   ----  530   140   200   530   140   140

   3>    10-    8-         15-          2-    2-   10-    2-    2-   13
         120   110   ----  180   ---- -200  -200   120  -200  -200   150

   4>     3-   16    10          17           7     7    13    13    13
        -600   130  -110   ----  300   ---- -150  -150   100   100   100

   5>     5-    5-   14          11-          5-    0    13    17     5-
        -650  -650   -50   ---- -620   ---- -650  -850  -100   400  -650

   6>     3    11-   17           6           6     2    14-    1     0
        -130   -90    90   ---- -120   ---- -120  -150    50  -200  -280

   7>    14-    7-    7-    7-          3          14-   14-    7-   14-
         620   170   170   170   ----  150   ----  620   620   170   620

   8>    10-    2    10-   10-          6-         14-    0     4     3
         430   -50   430   430   ----  400   ----  460  -150   240   180

   9>    13-    8     5-    5-         13-         13-    8    17    13-
         600   150   100   100   ----  600   ----  600   150  1100   600

  10>     1     3-   17     9     9          15           9     3-    3-
        -200  -150   200  -120  -120   ----  100   ---- -120  -150  -150

  11>    17     5    14    11     5           8          10    16    12
         110  -420   -50  -110  -420   ---- -200   ---- -140    50  -100

  12>    12     2    12     6-   12          12          17    12     4-
         100  -170   100  -100   100   ----  100   ----  530   100  -140

  13>    17     0     9    12    14-    2-          9           9    12
         800  -110   110   130   200  -100   ----  110   ----  110   130

  14>     1-    1-    8    12    12    16          14-          1-   12
        -400  -400  -150  -100  -100    50   ----  -50   ---- -400  -100

  15>    14     4-    4-    4-    4-    4-          4-         12    17
        -500  -630  -630  -630  -630  -630   ---- -630   ---- -600   200

  16>     9    13-   16     0     4     9     4           9           9
         100   140   170  -110    50   100    50   ----  100   ----  100

  17>    14    14    16     6     6    17     6           6           6
        -520  -520  -490 -1020 -1020  -130 -1020   -----1020   -----1020

  18>     4-    8    17     9-    2    14     2          14           6-
        -100   100   400   110  -140   130  -140   ----  130   ----  -50

  19>     2-   12    12     2-   15-   12     2-    6          17
       -1010  -510  -510 -1010  -480  -510 -1010  -990   ----   50   ----

  20>     5-    3    17      -   12    15    12      -          8
         140    90   630  -200   170   200   170  -200   ----  150   ----

  21>     8-    8- 13.26  1.62 10.62  3.74 16.44 13.26        0.03
        -130  -130  -100  -300  -110  -170   100  -100   ---- -600   ----

  22>           7-   13-   16     1     7-    7-    7-   13-          7-
         ----  650   660   680   200   650   650   650   660   ----  650

  23>           9    16     9    13-   16     3-    3-   13-         16
         ----  140   620   140   170   620  -100  -100   170   ----  620

  24>          12-   12-   12-    1-   12-   12-    5-   12-         12-
         ---- -400  -400  -400  -460  -400  -400  -430  -400   ---- -400

  25>     4           9-   13    16     4    16     4    16     4
        -140   ---- -110    50   100  -140   100  -140   100  -140   ----

  26>     9-         14    17     9-   14     6-    2     2     6-
         100   ----  130   400   100   130  PASS  -130  -130  PASS   ----

  27>     4          13     4    13     4    13    13     4    13
         -50   ----  990   -50   990   -50   990   990   -50   990   ----

  28>           2-         16-   14     5    16-   14     5    11     2-
         ---- -100   ----  200   130   -50   200   130   -50   110  -100

  29>           7           7    13     7     7     7     7     7    17
         ---- -150   ---- -150  -130  -150  -150  -150  -150  -150   200

  30>          13          13     7    11     3     1-   16-    7     1-
         ----   50   ----   50  -110   -50  -170  -500   150  -110  -500

  31>    14-         12           1-    1-    4     8-   14-   16     8-
         110   ----  100   ---- -110  -110  -100   -50   110   140   -50

  32>  12.74        4.26          8-    8-    8-    8- 15.91  0.03  4.26
         620   ---- -200   ---- -100   AVE  -100  -100   690  -400  -200

  33>     8-       16.44       11.15    8-  6.38 14.85  4.26 11.15  4.26
         100   ----  300   ----  110   AVE    50   210   -50   110   -50
Saturday Open Pairs, Morn 1 Of 2, April 25, 2015

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
10 8 5 2
A 8 2
J 6 3 2
10 8
K Q 6
Q 3
A Q 10 4
Q 7 5 4
J 4 3
K J 10 9 6 5
8 7 5
A 9 7
7 4
K 9
A K J 9 3 2

EW 3; NS 1N; EW 2; NS 1; Par −140

1 NTS212017.000.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG11-Banks-Banks
4 E−15016.001.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 S−15014.502.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG4-Timko-Timko
3 S−210011.505.50G5-Andre-AndreG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 E31407.0010.00G4-Lanier-HearnG7-Haley-Meyer
3 E31407.0010.00G7-Bossert-BossertG2-Matlock-Carr
3 E31407.0010.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG6-Bonham-Estes
3 E41704.0013.00G1-Balter-BalterG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
4 ×S−48000.0017.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG10-Clark-Tannery
3 S−15014.502.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 S−210011.505.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH9-Breed-Tran
3 S−210011.505.50H6-Coats-PorterH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 S−210011.505.50H7-Lake-MooreH2-See-Bickel
3 W31407.0010.00H4-Alix-CheathamH7-Makken-Halperin
3 E31407.0010.00H10-Jones-HarleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
4 E44202.5014.50H8-Berger-KennedyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 E44202.5014.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 ×S−35001.0016.00H1-White-CapenH1-Levit-Leibovitz

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
K Q J 7
A 8
A K 8 5
Q 5 4
A 9 6 2
9 6 5 3 2
J 3
8 7
5 3
K Q 10 7
Q 10 9
A K 10 2
10 8 4
J 4
7 6 4 2
J 9 6 3

EW 3; EW 1N; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; Par −140

4 ×W−110017.000.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG6-Bonham-Estes
3 W314010.007.00G1-Balter-BalterG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 W314010.007.00G4-Lanier-HearnG7-Haley-Meyer
3 W314010.007.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG11-Banks-Banks
3 W314010.007.00G7-Bossert-BossertG2-Matlock-Carr
3 W314010.007.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG10-Clark-Tannery
3 S−22003.5013.50G5-Andre-AndreG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 S−22003.5013.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG4-Timko-Timko
4 S−22003.5013.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 W−15016.001.00H7-Lake-MooreH2-See-Bickel
1 NTN−110015.002.00H8-Berger-KennedyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 W314010.007.00H1-White-CapenH1-Levit-Leibovitz
3 W314010.007.00H4-Alix-CheathamH7-Makken-Halperin
2 E314010.007.00H6-Coats-PorterH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 W314010.007.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 S−22003.5013.50H10-Jones-HarleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 ×E35300.5016.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH9-Breed-Tran
3 ×W35300.5016.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH6-Caudill-Jewett

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
A 4 3
8 6 3 2
7 5
A K 6 3
K Q 5
J 5
A K 10 6 2
Q 5 2
J 10 8 2
Q 4 3
9 8 7 4
9 7 6
K 10 9 7 4
J 9 8
J 10

EW 2; EW 2; NS 1; EW 1; Par −110

2 NTW−220014.502.50G5-Andre-AndreG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
2 NTW−220014.502.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG4-Timko-Timko
2 NTW−110011.006.00G1-Balter-BalterG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 S−15010.007.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG6-Bonham-Estes
3 W31108.508.50G7-Bossert-BossertG2-Matlock-Carr
3 E31405.0012.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG10-Clark-Tannery
2 E41703.0014.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG11-Banks-Banks
2 NTW41801.5015.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 NTW46300.0017.00G4-Lanier-HearnG7-Haley-Meyer
2 NTW−220014.502.50H4-Alix-CheathamH7-Makken-Halperin
3 NTW−220014.502.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH9-Breed-Tran
2 NTW−220014.502.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH6-Caudill-Jewett
2 NTW−220014.502.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 W31108.508.50H7-Lake-MooreH2-See-Bickel
2 NTW21206.5010.50H1-White-CapenH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 NTW21206.5010.50H10-Jones-HarleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
2 NTW31504.0013.00H6-Coats-PorterH11-Wilson-Lindsey
2 NTW41801.5015.50H8-Berger-KennedyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
A Q 9 8
A 10 4 2
8 7 4 3
6 5 3
K 10 9 6 5 4 2
K J 10 7 2
K 7 5 3
5 2
J 7
Q 9 8 6
K Q 10 9 6
A Q 8

NS 4; NS 5; NS 1N; EW 1; Par +620

4 ×E−380017.000.00G5-Andre-AndreG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 N565016.001.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG7-Haley-Meyer
4 S462015.002.00G1-Balter-BalterG11-Banks-Banks
3 NTS360013.503.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG3-Watters-Pleason
3 W−220012.005.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 S515010.007.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG5-Sowers-Evans
4 N41308.009.00G2-King-BoydG2-Matlock-Carr
3 N−11004.0013.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG10-Clark-Tannery
3 NTS−11004.0013.00G7-Bossert-BossertG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
5 S560013.503.50H7-Lake-MooreH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 S515010.007.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 S515010.007.00H10-Jones-HarleyH7-Makken-Halperin
3 S31107.0010.00H8-Berger-KennedyH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 S−11004.0013.00H1-White-CapenH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 N−11004.0013.00H6-Coats-PorterH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 N−11004.0013.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH9-Breed-Tran
3 W41301.0016.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH2-See-Bickel
5 S−33000.0017.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
K 5
9 8 2
Q 8 7 6
K Q 5 2
Q 9 8 4 3
J 6 4 3
K 10 4
A 10 6 2
A J 9 5 3 2
8 7
J 7
A K Q 10 7
A 10 9 6 4 3

NS 6; E 4; NS 4; W 3; EW 3; Par +300: E 6×−2

4 S565011.505.50G2-King-BoydG2-Matlock-Carr
4 S565011.505.50G5-Andre-AndreG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 S565011.505.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG10-Clark-Tannery
4 S565011.505.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG3-Watters-Pleason
5 S565011.505.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG5-Sowers-Evans
4 S565011.505.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG7-Haley-Meyer
5 S66205.5011.50G1-Balter-BalterG11-Banks-Banks
5 N−11002.0015.00G7-Bossert-BossertG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 W31401.0016.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
5 ×S585017.000.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
4 S565011.505.50H1-White-CapenH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 S565011.505.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH2-See-Bickel
4 S565011.505.50H7-Lake-MooreH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 S565011.505.50H10-Jones-HarleyH7-Makken-Halperin
5 S66205.5011.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
5 ×W−11004.0013.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH9-Breed-Tran
4 W−1503.0014.00H8-Berger-KennedyH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 S−44000.0017.00H6-Coats-PorterH10-Dubose-La Vigne

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
K J 2
10 7 6 4
A 8 4 2
Q 10 5 3
Q 7
Q 10 9 7
8 7 6
A 5 3 2
K 6 5
J 3 2
A 9 4
9 8
J 10 9 3
8 6 5 4

NS 2N; NS 3; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; Par +120

1 NTN212011.006.00G1-Balter-BalterG11-Banks-Banks
1 NTN212011.006.00G5-Andre-AndreG8-Fletcher-Withers
1 NTN212011.006.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG7-Haley-Meyer
2 S31107.509.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG10-Clark-Tannery
2 N21107.509.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG5-Sowers-Evans
1 NTN1905.5011.50G2-King-BoydG2-Matlock-Carr
1 NTN−1502.5014.50G7-Bossert-BossertG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
1 NTN−1502.5014.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG3-Watters-Pleason
1 NTN−1502.5014.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
1 NT×N228017.000.00H1-White-CapenH11-Wilson-Lindsey
2 E−220016.001.00H6-Coats-PorterH10-Dubose-La Vigne
1 NTN315015.002.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 S413014.003.00H7-Lake-MooreH1-Levit-Leibovitz
1 NTN212011.006.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
1 NTN212011.006.00H10-Jones-HarleyH7-Makken-Halperin
1 NTN1905.5011.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH2-See-Bickel
1 NTN−1502.5014.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH9-Breed-Tran
1 NTW1900.0017.00H8-Berger-KennedyH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
K 8 4
10 5
A Q 9 5
Q 10 8 7
3 2
A 9 3 2
J 7 6
J 9 6 2
A Q J 6
K Q 8 7 4
8 2
A 4
10 9 7 5
J 6
K 10 4 3
K 5 3

EW 4; EW 3N; EW 1; NS 1; N 1; Par −620

1 S−110017.000.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG8-Fletcher-Withers
2 E314015.501.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 E314015.501.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG2-Matlock-Carr
3 E41709.507.50G1-Balter-BalterG10-Clark-Tannery
2 W41709.507.50G3-Snow-SnowG3-Watters-Pleason
3 E41709.507.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG4-Timko-Timko
3 E41709.507.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG6-Bonham-Estes
4 E46202.5014.50G2-King-BoydG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
4 E46202.5014.50G7-Bossert-BossertG11-Banks-Banks
1 NTE315014.003.00H10-Jones-HarleyH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 E41709.507.50H1-White-CapenH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 W41709.507.50H3-Gates-SutyH3-Reichek-Quinn
2 W41709.507.50H8-Berger-KennedyH2-See-Bickel
3 E41709.507.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 W46202.5014.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 E46202.5014.50H6-Coats-PorterH9-Breed-Tran
4 W46202.5014.50H7-Lake-MooreH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 W46202.5014.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH8-Grantham-Stieber

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
A 9 6 3
9 8 4 3
A K 8 4 3
A K J 10
Q J 7 5
Q 10 7 5
6 5 4
K 10
A K Q 7 6
9 6 2
Q 9 8 7 3 2
8 4 2
J 10 5

EW 4N; EW 2; EW 2; W 1; W 1; Par −430

3 E−210016.001.00G1-Balter-BalterG10-Clark-Tannery
2 ×S−230012.005.00G2-King-BoydG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 NTE340010.506.50G7-Bossert-BossertG11-Banks-Banks
3 NTE44306.5010.50G3-Snow-SnowG3-Watters-Pleason
3 NTW44306.5010.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG2-Matlock-Carr
3 NTW44306.5010.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 NTE54602.5014.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 NT×E35501.0016.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG4-Timko-Timko
3 NT×E46500.0017.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG6-Bonham-Estes
4 E−315017.000.00H6-Coats-PorterH9-Breed-Tran
2 E−15015.002.00H8-Berger-KennedyH2-See-Bickel
2 NTE418014.003.00H7-Lake-MooreH11-Wilson-Lindsey
2 NTE624013.004.00H1-White-CapenH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 NTE340010.506.50H10-Jones-HarleyH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 NTE44306.5010.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH1-Levit-Leibovitz
3 NTW44306.5010.50H3-Gates-SutyH3-Reichek-Quinn
3 NTE44306.5010.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 NTE54602.5014.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH8-Grantham-Stieber

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
K Q 9 7 6 3
J 7 2
7 5 3
A K 9
9 8 5
A K Q 10 9 2
J 2
8 5
K Q 10 6 4 3 2
8 4
A 10 8 5
Q 10 6 4 3
J 7
J 6

EW 5; NS 3; EW 4; NS 2; Par −300: NS 5×−2

3 ×N353017.000.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG6-Bonham-Estes
3 N314015.002.00G2-King-BoydG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 S314015.002.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 N314015.002.00G7-Bossert-BossertG11-Banks-Banks
4 N−15013.004.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG2-Matlock-Carr
4 W51509.008.00G3-Snow-SnowG3-Watters-Pleason
5 ×N−23007.0010.00G1-Balter-BalterG10-Clark-Tannery
5 E56003.5013.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG4-Timko-Timko
5 E56003.5013.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 ×N−110011.505.50H3-Gates-SutyH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 N−210011.505.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 E51509.008.00H6-Coats-PorterH9-Breed-Tran
3 E51509.008.00H8-Berger-KennedyH2-See-Bickel
5 E56003.5013.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH1-Levit-Leibovitz
5 E56003.5013.50H7-Lake-MooreH11-Wilson-Lindsey
5 E56003.5013.50H10-Jones-HarleyH6-Caudill-Jewett
5 E56003.5013.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH8-Grantham-Stieber
5 ×S−511000.0017.00H1-White-CapenH10-Dubose-La Vigne

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
Q 10 7
Q 6 4
Q 8 7 2
10 7
A 9 8 6 5
A 8 7 2
J 10
J 9 6 5 3
K 2
10 5
K 5 4 3
8 4 2
J 4 3
K J 9 3
A 9 6

NS 2N; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; Par +120

3 NTN360017.000.00G4-Lanier-HearnG4-Timko-Timko
2 NTN315013.503.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG3-Watters-Pleason
1 NTN21208.009.00G1-Balter-BalterG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
2 NTS21208.009.00G7-Bossert-BossertG10-Clark-Tannery
2 NTN21208.009.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
2 NTN21208.009.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG7-Haley-Meyer
2 S31104.0013.00G3-Snow-SnowG2-Matlock-Carr
3 NTN−11002.0015.00G2-King-BoydG11-Banks-Banks
3 NTN−11002.0015.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG5-Sowers-Evans
2 E−220016.001.00H8-Berger-KennedyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 NTN315013.503.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH11-Wilson-Lindsey
2 NTN315013.503.50H3-Gates-SutyH2-See-Bickel
2 NTN315013.503.50H7-Lake-MooreH10-Dubose-La Vigne
2 NTN21208.009.00H1-White-CapenH9-Breed-Tran
2 NTN21208.009.00H4-Alix-CheathamH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
2 NTN21208.009.00H10-Jones-HarleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
2 NTN−11002.0015.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH7-Makken-Halperin
7 S−22000.0017.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
A 10 7 6 4 2
K 9 3
A 6 5 4
J 9
J 8 7
A K 7 6 4
9 8 7
K Q 5 3
Q 10 5 2
Q 10 9 5 3
A 6 4
J 8 2
K Q J 10 3 2

NS 7; NS 3; NS 2N; EW 3; Par +800: EW 7×−4

6 ×S6109017.000.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG3-Watters-Pleason
5 S744015.002.00G2-King-BoydG11-Banks-Banks
5 S744015.002.00G3-Snow-SnowG2-Matlock-Carr
5 S744015.002.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
5 S642012.005.00G4-Lanier-HearnG4-Timko-Timko
5 S540010.007.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG7-Haley-Meyer
4 S61708.009.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG5-Sowers-Evans
4 W−1503.0014.00G1-Balter-BalterG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 W−1503.0014.00G7-Bossert-BossertG10-Clark-Tannery
4 N442012.005.00H3-Gates-SutyH2-See-Bickel
5 S642012.005.00H10-Jones-HarleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 N52009.008.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH7-Makken-Halperin
3 N31407.0010.00H1-White-CapenH9-Breed-Tran
2 N21106.0011.00H4-Alix-CheathamH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
5 ×W−11005.0012.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 W−1503.0014.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 N−1501.0016.00H7-Lake-MooreH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 W31100.0017.00H8-Berger-KennedyH1-Levit-Leibovitz

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
A 3
Q 10 6 4
K 9 8 3
9 8 2
K 6 4
A J 10 7 2
A J 7 4
Q J 10 8 2
7 3 2
6 5 4
6 5
9 7 5
A K J 9 5
K Q 10 3

NS 3; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 1; EW 1; Par +140

4 S462017.000.00G4-Lanier-HearnG4-Timko-Timko
2 S417015.002.00G1-Balter-BalterG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
2 S417015.002.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG3-Watters-Pleason
3 S314012.504.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG7-Haley-Meyer
4 E−210010.506.50G7-Bossert-BossertG10-Clark-Tannery
4 S−11005.0012.00G2-King-BoydG11-Banks-Banks
4 N−11005.0012.00G3-Snow-SnowG2-Matlock-Carr
4 S−11005.0012.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
4 S−11005.0012.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG5-Sowers-Evans
3 N417015.002.00H3-Gates-SutyH2-See-Bickel
2 S314012.504.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 W−210010.506.50H4-Alix-CheathamH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 S−11005.0012.00H7-Lake-MooreH10-Dubose-La Vigne
4 N−11005.0012.00H8-Berger-KennedyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 S−11005.0012.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 S−11005.0012.00H10-Jones-HarleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 N−11005.0012.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH7-Makken-Halperin
3 ×E35300.0017.00H1-White-CapenH9-Breed-Tran

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
J 5
Q 8 5 4 2
K Q 10
K 10 2
K 10
9 3
9 6 4 3 2
9 7 6 3
9 6
A K 10
A 7 5
A Q J 8 4
A Q 8 7 4 3 2
J 7 6
J 8

EW 4; EW 4; NS 2; N 1; Par −130

4 E−110014.502.50G2-King-BoydG10-Clark-Tannery
5 E−110014.502.50G3-Snow-SnowG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
4 E−110014.502.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG4-Timko-Timko
3 S−110011.006.00G1-Balter-BalterG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 S−110011.006.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG11-Banks-Banks
3 S−110011.006.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG2-Matlock-Carr
4 E41305.0012.00G4-Lanier-HearnG3-Watters-Pleason
3 S−22002.5014.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG6-Bonham-Estes
3 ×S−25001.0016.00G5-Andre-AndreG5-Sowers-Evans
2 S211017.000.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH2-See-Bickel
5 E−110014.502.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 E31108.009.00H1-White-CapenH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 E31108.009.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 E31108.009.00H4-Alix-CheathamH3-Reichek-Quinn
1 E41305.0012.00H8-Berger-KennedyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 E41305.0012.00H10-Jones-HarleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 ×S−12002.5014.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 ×N−38000.0017.00H3-Gates-SutyH1-Levit-Leibovitz

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
J 9 5 3
K Q 8 6
A K J 4
A J 9 7 4
K Q 10 8 6 3
K Q 7 4 2
10 3
9 7 2
10 7 6
A 8 6
5 2
A J 5
Q 9 8 3 2

S 4N; NS 4; NS 5; N 1N; EW 2; S 1; Par +430

5 S540015.501.50G2-King-BoydG10-Clark-Tannery
4 ×E−230013.004.00G5-Andre-AndreG5-Sowers-Evans
2 W−420012.005.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG6-Bonham-Estes
4 S51509.008.00G1-Balter-BalterG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 S51509.008.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG11-Banks-Banks
4 S51509.008.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG2-Matlock-Carr
2 W−31509.008.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG4-Timko-Timko
2 W−1502.5014.50G4-Lanier-HearnG3-Watters-Pleason
4 S−21000.0017.00G3-Snow-SnowG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
5 S540015.501.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH10-Dubose-La Vigne
5 S540015.501.50H3-Gates-SutyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
5 S540015.501.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH2-See-Bickel
4 S51509.008.00H4-Alix-CheathamH3-Reichek-Quinn
3 W−21005.0012.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
2 W−21005.0012.00H8-Berger-KennedyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 W−21005.0012.00H10-Jones-HarleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 W−1502.5014.50H1-White-CapenH8-Grantham-Stieber
5 S−1501.0016.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH6-Caudill-Jewett

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
A K Q 5
J 10 6 3
Q 7 4
K 4
J 9 7 6 3
Q 8 5 2
Q 10 7
10 8
A 7
10 9 8 6 3
8 5 3 2
4 2
K 9 4
K J 5 2
A J 9 6

NS 4N; NS 3; NS 4; NS 2; NS 2; Par +630

3 NTS463012.504.50G1-Balter-BalterG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 NTS463012.504.50G4-Lanier-HearnG3-Watters-Pleason
3 NTS463012.504.50G5-Andre-AndreG5-Sowers-Evans
3 NTN463012.504.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG6-Bonham-Estes
4 N46207.0010.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG2-Matlock-Carr
3 NTS36005.0012.00G2-King-BoydG10-Clark-Tannery
3 NTN36005.0012.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG11-Banks-Banks
4 N−11001.5015.50G3-Snow-SnowG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 NTN−11001.5015.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG4-Timko-Timko
3 NTN463012.504.50H1-White-CapenH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 NTN463012.504.50H4-Alix-CheathamH3-Reichek-Quinn
3 NTN463012.504.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 NTS463012.504.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH2-See-Bickel
3 NTN463012.504.50H10-Jones-HarleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 NTN463012.504.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 NTS36005.0012.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH10-Dubose-La Vigne
2 ×W−35003.0014.00H3-Gates-SutyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 N−22000.0017.00H8-Berger-KennedyH11-Wilson-Lindsey

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
Q 6 3 2
8 5
A K J 10 6
J 3
8 5 4
Q 10 9 2
8 5
A K 9 5
A 10
A K 4 3
Q 9 2
10 8 7 2
K J 9 7
J 7 6
7 4 3
Q 6 4

EW 3; EW 2N; EW 3; NS 1; NS 1; Par −140

2 S−15013.004.00G4-Lanier-HearnG2-Matlock-Carr
2 S−15013.004.00G5-Andre-AndreG4-Timko-Timko
2 S−15013.004.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 ×S−11008.009.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG3-Watters-Pleason
3 E31403.5013.50G2-King-BoydG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 E31403.5013.50G3-Snow-SnowG11-Banks-Banks
3 E31403.5013.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG5-Sowers-Evans
4 W46200.0017.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG6-Bonham-Estes
2 S211017.000.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
1 NTS−15013.004.00H1-White-CapenH7-Makken-Halperin
2 N−15013.004.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 S−21008.009.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH9-Breed-Tran
3 ×S−11008.009.00H3-Gates-SutyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
1 NTN−21008.009.00H6-Coats-PorterH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 S−21008.009.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH1-Levit-Leibovitz
3 W31403.5013.50H4-Alix-CheathamH2-See-Bickel
2 W41701.0016.00H10-Jones-HarleyH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
A J 4
K J 7 6 2
A Q 3 2
K 9 3
Q 8 6 5 3
9 8 4 3
7 6 2
J 9 7 4
10 9 8 7 4
Q 10 8 5
A K 10
A Q 10
K J 6

NS 7N; NS 7; NS 7; NS 6; NS 3; Par +1520

6 NTS7102011.006.00G1-Balter-BalterG7-Haley-Meyer
6 NTS7102011.006.00G2-King-BoydG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
6 NTS7102011.006.00G3-Snow-SnowG11-Banks-Banks
6 NTS7102011.006.00G4-Lanier-HearnG2-Matlock-Carr
6 NTN7102011.006.00G5-Andre-AndreG4-Timko-Timko
6 NTS7102011.006.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
6 NTS7102011.006.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG3-Watters-Pleason
6 NTS7102011.006.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG5-Sowers-Evans
3 NTS75203.0014.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG6-Bonham-Estes
6 NTS7102011.006.00H1-White-CapenH7-Makken-Halperin
6 NTS7102011.006.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH9-Breed-Tran
6 NTS7102011.006.00H3-Gates-SutyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
6 NTS7102011.006.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
6 NTS7102011.006.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 NTS75203.0014.00H4-Alix-CheathamH2-See-Bickel
3 NTS75203.0014.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH1-Levit-Leibovitz
3 NTS64901.0016.00H10-Jones-HarleyH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 N41300.0017.00H6-Coats-PorterH6-Caudill-Jewett

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
Q 10 5 4 3
9 8 7 4
A 6 3
K 7 2
10 6
J 8 7 5
A 7 5 4
A 9
K 3 2
Q 4
K Q 10 9 6 2
J 8 6
A Q J 5
K 10 9 2
8 3

NS 3; NS 3; E 2N; EW 3; W 1N; NS 1; Par +100: E 3N×−1; EW 4×−1

5 ×E−230017.000.00G5-Andre-AndreG4-Timko-Timko
3 N314015.002.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG3-Watters-Pleason
5 E−210012.504.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 NTE−15010.506.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG5-Sowers-Evans
2 E31107.509.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG6-Bonham-Estes
2 NTW21205.5011.50G1-Balter-BalterG7-Haley-Meyer
1 NTW21205.5011.50G4-Lanier-HearnG2-Matlock-Carr
4 E41303.0014.00G3-Snow-SnowG11-Banks-Banks
3 N−22001.0016.00G2-King-BoydG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 S314015.002.00H1-White-CapenH7-Makken-Halperin
3 N314015.002.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 E−210012.504.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 E−15010.506.50H3-Gates-SutyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 N−11009.008.00H4-Alix-CheathamH2-See-Bickel
3 E31107.509.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 E41303.0014.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH9-Breed-Tran
2 E41303.0014.00H6-Coats-PorterH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 NTW34000.0017.00H10-Jones-HarleyH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
A Q J 10 7 5 2
A 2
A J 9
9 6 3
4 3
K Q 10 8 7 5 4
Q J 10 9 7 6 5
K 9 3
6 3
K 8
K 8
A Q 10 8 6 5 4 2

NS 7; NS 6N; NS 6; NS 1; NS 1; Par +1510

6 N7101014.502.50G3-Snow-SnowG10-Clark-Tannery
6 N7101014.502.50G5-Andre-AndreG3-Watters-Pleason
6 N7101014.502.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG2-Matlock-Carr
6 N69809.507.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG5-Sowers-Evans
6 N69809.507.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG4-Timko-Timko
6 S69208.009.00G2-King-BoydG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 N75105.0012.00G1-Balter-BalterG6-Bonham-Estes
5 N75105.0012.00G7-Bossert-BossertG7-Haley-Meyer
4 N64801.5015.50G4-Lanier-HearnG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
6 N7101014.502.50H4-Alix-CheathamH1-Levit-Leibovitz
6 N7101014.502.50H7-Lake-MooreH7-Makken-Halperin
6 N7101014.502.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
6 NTN699011.006.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH8-Grantham-Stieber
4 N75105.0012.00H1-White-CapenH6-Caudill-Jewett
5 N75105.0012.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 N75105.0012.00H10-Jones-HarleyH2-See-Bickel
4 N64801.5015.50H6-Coats-PorterH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
7 NTN−1500.0017.00H3-Gates-SutyH10-Dubose-La Vigne

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
K 10 3
A Q J 8 6 2
J 10 6
A Q J 5
7 5
A J 8 7 3
6 4 2
10 9 3
K Q 9
K 9 5 2
9 8 7
K 4
6 5 4 2
8 7 4 3

EW 3; EW 4; EW 1N; EW 2; NS 1; Par −140

4 W−110015.002.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG5-Sowers-Evans
3 W311013.004.00G1-Balter-BalterG6-Bonham-Estes
2 W314011.505.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG2-Matlock-Carr
4 W51509.008.00G5-Andre-AndreG3-Watters-Pleason
3 W51509.008.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG4-Timko-Timko
3 W61705.0012.00G2-King-BoydG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 W61705.0012.00G3-Snow-SnowG10-Clark-Tannery
4 W61705.0012.00G4-Lanier-HearnG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 NTW36001.0016.00G7-Bossert-BossertG7-Haley-Meyer
3 NTW−220016.500.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 NTE−220016.500.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
2 E29014.003.00H10-Jones-HarleyH2-See-Bickel
2 W314011.505.50H4-Alix-CheathamH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 W51509.008.00H3-Gates-SutyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 W61705.0012.00H6-Coats-PorterH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 W61705.0012.00H7-Lake-MooreH7-Makken-Halperin
3 N−22002.0015.00H1-White-CapenH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 NTE46300.0017.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
J 2
K J 9 7
4 3
A J 8 6 4
A K 7 6 3
A Q 8 4
J 9
10 5
Q 10 9 8 4
6 3 2
10 8
Q 7 2
10 5
A K Q 7 6 5 2
K 9 3

NS 5; NS 4; NS 2; NS 1N; EW 1; Par +600

3 ×W−230015.381.62G11-Jackson-GervaisG4-Timko-Timko
4 S617013.263.74G10-Karrasch-SandiferG2-Matlock-Carr
4 E−315011.155.85G4-Lanier-HearnG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
4 W−315011.155.85G7-Bossert-BossertG7-Haley-Meyer
4 N41308.508.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG5-Sowers-Evans
3 E−21003.7413.26G3-Snow-SnowG10-Clark-Tannery
3 W−21003.7413.26G5-Andre-AndreG3-Watters-Pleason
5 S−11000.5616.44G1-Balter-BalterG6-Bonham-Estes
5 N560016.970.03H3-Gates-SutyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 ×W−230015.381.62H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 S617013.263.74H1-White-CapenH6-Caudill-Jewett
4 S41308.508.50H4-Alix-CheathamH1-Levit-Leibovitz
3 S41308.508.50H10-Jones-HarleyH2-See-Bickel
3 N31106.3810.62H6-Coats-PorterH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 E−21003.7413.26H2-Hogan-BhatiaH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 W−21003.7413.26H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH3-Reichek-Quinn
5 S−11000.5616.44H7-Lake-MooreH7-Makken-Halperin

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
J 8 4 3
3 2
J 7 6 3
J 7 6
Q 9
A K Q 8 7 6
A 10 8
K 10 6 5
9 5 4
9 8 5 4
K 9
A 7 2
J 10
A 10 2
Q 5 4 3 2

EW 5; EW 4N; EW 3; EW 2; EW 2; Par −650

3 W520016.001.00G1-Balter-BalterG5-Sowers-Evans
1 W520016.001.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 W56509.507.50G3-Snow-SnowG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 W56509.507.50G4-Lanier-HearnG11-Banks-Banks
4 W56509.507.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG4-Timko-Timko
4 W56509.507.50G7-Bossert-BossertG6-Bonham-Estes
4 W56509.507.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG3-Watters-Pleason
4 W66801.0016.00G2-King-BoydG7-Haley-Meyer
4 W66801.0016.00G5-Andre-AndreG2-Matlock-Carr
2 W520016.001.00H1-White-CapenH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 E56509.507.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH7-Makken-Halperin
4 W56509.507.50H4-Alix-CheathamH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 W56509.507.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH2-See-Bickel
4 W56509.507.50H7-Lake-MooreH6-Caudill-Jewett
4 W56509.507.50H8-Berger-KennedyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 NTW56603.5013.50H3-Gates-SutyH9-Breed-Tran
3 NTW56603.5013.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 W66801.0016.00H6-Coats-PorterH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
8 3
Q 7 6 2
K Q 4
Q 9 8 6
K Q 10 5 4
A K J 10
6 3
A 2
7 6 2
8 3
A 10 7 5 2
7 4 3
A J 9
9 5 4
J 9 8
K J 10 5

EW 3; EW 1N; EW 2; EW 1; Par −140

1 NT×S118017.000.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 W−110013.503.50G1-Balter-BalterG5-Sowers-Evans
4 W−110013.503.50G2-King-BoydG7-Haley-Meyer
4 W−110013.503.50G3-Snow-SnowG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 W−110013.503.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG4-Timko-Timko
2 W31408.009.00G5-Andre-AndreG2-Matlock-Carr
1 W31408.009.00G7-Bossert-BossertG6-Bonham-Estes
2 W31408.009.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG3-Watters-Pleason
1 NTW31505.0012.00G4-Lanier-HearnG11-Banks-Banks
4 W−110013.503.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH7-Makken-Halperin
1 NTW−110013.503.50H8-Berger-KennedyH8-Grantham-Stieber
1 W31408.009.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH2-See-Bickel
2 W31408.009.00H6-Coats-PorterH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
2 W41703.5013.50H1-White-CapenH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
2 W41703.5013.50H3-Gates-SutyH9-Breed-Tran
4 W46201.0016.00H4-Alix-CheathamH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 W46201.0016.00H7-Lake-MooreH6-Caudill-Jewett
4 W46201.0016.00H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
6 5
K 7 6
A Q 5 3
A K J 6
J 10 2
10 4
K 10 8 4
10 4 3 2
Q 9 8 3
A J 8 5
9 7
9 7 5
A K 7 4
Q 9 3 2
J 6 2
Q 8

NS 5; NS 4N; NS 4; NS 4; NS 4; Par +450

3 NTN546015.501.50G3-Snow-SnowG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 NTN546015.501.50G7-Bossert-BossertG6-Bonham-Estes
3 NTN546015.501.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG3-Watters-Pleason
3 NTN443011.505.50G4-Lanier-HearnG11-Banks-Banks
3 NTN443011.505.50G6-Abney-DickinsonG4-Timko-Timko
3 NTN443011.505.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 NTN34004.5012.50G1-Balter-BalterG5-Sowers-Evans
3 NTN34004.5012.50G2-King-BoydG7-Haley-Meyer
3 NTN34004.5012.50G5-Andre-AndreG2-Matlock-Carr
3 NTN546015.501.50H1-White-CapenH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 NTN443011.505.50H8-Berger-KennedyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 NTN34004.5012.50H2-Hogan-BhatiaH7-Makken-Halperin
3 NTN34004.5012.50H3-Gates-SutyH9-Breed-Tran
3 NTN34004.5012.50H4-Alix-CheathamH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 NTN34004.5012.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH2-See-Bickel
3 NTN34004.5012.50H6-Coats-PorterH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
3 NTN34004.5012.50H7-Lake-MooreH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 NTN34004.5012.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH3-Reichek-Quinn

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
K 5
A 9 7 5
A K 9 4
8 4 2
A 10 9 3
Q J 8 2
A Q 9 7
J 8 6 4
10 7 5 3
K 10 5 3
Q J 8 7 6 4
K 10 3 2
J 6

NS 3; NS 2; NS 1N; EW 2; EW 2; Par +140

2 S314013.004.00G1-Balter-BalterG4-Timko-Timko
2 S314013.004.00G2-King-BoydG6-Bonham-Estes
2 S314013.004.00G3-Snow-SnowG8-Fletcher-Withers
2 S314013.004.00G7-Bossert-BossertG5-Sowers-Evans
2 S314013.004.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG7-Haley-Meyer
2 S21107.509.50G9-Gittelman-LevyG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
1 NTN1906.0011.00G5-Andre-AndreG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
1 NTN−1504.0013.00G4-Lanier-HearnG10-Clark-Tannery
3 NTN−1504.0013.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG3-Watters-Pleason
2 N314013.004.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH6-Caudill-Jewett
2 S314013.004.00H3-Gates-SutyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 S314013.004.00H4-Alix-CheathamH10-Dubose-La Vigne
2 S314013.004.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 S21107.509.50H6-Coats-PorterH3-Reichek-Quinn
4 N−1504.0013.00H1-White-CapenH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 S−21001.0016.00H7-Lake-MooreH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
2 N−21001.0016.00H8-Berger-KennedyH7-Makken-Halperin
4 S−21001.0016.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH9-Breed-Tran

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
K 10 8
A 6
K 9 6 5 4 3
9 3
Q 6 3
Q 10
K 10 8 7 6 4 2
A J 9
10 9 5 3 2
J 8
A J 5
7 5 4 2
K J 8 7 4
A 7 2

N 4; EW 4; S 3; NS 1; NS 1; Par +130

3 N515017.000.00G5-Andre-AndreG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 N413015.002.00G2-King-BoydG6-Bonham-Estes
4 W−110013.004.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 W31106.0011.00G4-Lanier-HearnG10-Clark-Tannery
4 W41303.0014.00G1-Balter-BalterG4-Timko-Timko
3 W41303.0014.00G3-Snow-SnowG8-Fletcher-Withers
4 W41303.0014.00G7-Bossert-BossertG5-Sowers-Evans
4 N413015.002.00H3-Gates-SutyH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 N413015.002.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH9-Breed-Tran
PassPass10.506.50H4-Alix-CheathamH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 N−11007.509.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 S−11007.509.50H7-Lake-MooreH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 E41303.0014.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 W41303.0014.00H6-Coats-PorterH3-Reichek-Quinn
2 NTS−44000.0017.00H1-White-CapenH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland

Board 27
South Deals
None Vul
J 7 4
10 9 7 3
7 5 2
8 4 2
A Q 9
K 8 4
Q 6
K J 9 7 3
K 8
A Q 6 5 2
A K 10 3
Q 10
10 6 5 3 2
J 9 8 4
A 6 5

EW 6N; EW 6; EW 5; EW 4; EW 5; Par −990

6 W−210017.000.00G5-Andre-AndreG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
6 E−15013.004.00G2-King-BoydG6-Bonham-Estes
7 NTW−15013.004.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG3-Watters-Pleason
6 W−15013.004.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 NTW64909.008.00G1-Balter-BalterG4-Timko-Timko
6 NTW69904.0013.00G3-Snow-SnowG8-Fletcher-Withers
6 NTW69904.0013.00G4-Lanier-HearnG10-Clark-Tannery
6 NTW69904.0013.00G7-Bossert-BossertG5-Sowers-Evans
6 NTW69904.0013.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG7-Haley-Meyer
6 W−15013.004.00H1-White-CapenH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
6 E−15013.004.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH6-Caudill-Jewett
6 W−15013.004.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH1-Levit-Leibovitz
6 W−15013.004.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH9-Breed-Tran
6 NTW69904.0013.00H3-Gates-SutyH8-Grantham-Stieber
6 NTW69904.0013.00H4-Alix-CheathamH10-Dubose-La Vigne
6 NTW69904.0013.00H6-Coats-PorterH3-Reichek-Quinn
6 NTW69904.0013.00H7-Lake-MooreH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
6 NTW69904.0013.00H8-Berger-KennedyH7-Makken-Halperin

Board 28
West Deals
N-S Vul
A 10 6 4
Q 8 6 5 3
A 6 3
Q J 5
K 9 7
7 2
A Q 10 9 3
K 8
10 2
K Q J 10 8 5
8 6 2
9 7 3 2
A J 4
9 4
J 7 5 4

NS 2; EW 3; EW 3; EW 1N; NS 1; Par −110

3 NTW−315017.000.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG10-Clark-Tannery
2 N211016.001.00G5-Andre-AndreG11-Banks-Banks
4 E−15012.005.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 N−11009.008.00G4-Lanier-HearnG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 N−11009.008.00G7-Bossert-BossertG4-Timko-Timko
3 S−11009.008.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG6-Bonham-Estes
3 E31106.0011.00G2-King-BoydG5-Sowers-Evans
3 W31106.0011.00G3-Snow-SnowG7-Haley-Meyer
3 E41303.0014.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG2-Matlock-Carr
3 NTW−210014.502.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 NTW−210014.502.50H6-Coats-PorterH2-See-Bickel
4 W−15012.005.00H4-Alix-CheathamH9-Breed-Tran
2 NTW−15012.005.00H8-Berger-KennedyH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 E31106.0011.00H10-Jones-HarleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 E41303.0014.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 E41303.0014.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 N−22000.5016.50H3-Gates-SutyH7-Makken-Halperin
3 N−22000.5016.50H7-Lake-MooreH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland

Board 29
North Deals
Both Vul
K J 8 2
K Q 6 5
A K 7 2
A 6
K Q J 5 2
8 4 3
J 6 5
10 7 4 3
A 10 9 6
10 9
10 4 3
Q 9 5
7 4 3
A J 7 2
Q 9 8

NS 5; NS 5; NS 3; NS 1N; EW 1; Par +600

5 N560016.001.00G3-Snow-SnowG7-Haley-Meyer
5 S560016.001.00G5-Andre-AndreG11-Banks-Banks
5 N560016.001.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 N515010.007.00G4-Lanier-HearnG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
3 N515010.007.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG6-Bonham-Estes
4 N41304.0013.00G2-King-BoydG5-Sowers-Evans
4 N41304.0013.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG10-Clark-Tannery
1 NTS21202.0015.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG2-Matlock-Carr
1 NTS1901.0016.00G7-Bossert-BossertG4-Timko-Timko
3 N515010.007.00H3-Gates-SutyH7-Makken-Halperin
3 N515010.007.00H4-Alix-CheathamH9-Breed-Tran
2 N515010.007.00H6-Coats-PorterH2-See-Bickel
3 N515010.007.00H7-Lake-MooreH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
2 N515010.007.00H8-Berger-KennedyH6-Caudill-Jewett
4 N515010.007.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH8-Grantham-Stieber
4 N515010.007.00H10-Jones-HarleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
3 N41304.0013.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 NTS−22000.0017.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH11-Wilson-Lindsey

Board 30
East Deals
None Vul
A K 9 8 3
A K J 10 8
3 2
J 10 6 2
9 6
Q 9 7 6 5 2
7 4
Q 5 4 2
K Q 7 4
Q 5
7 3
10 4 3
A J 10 9 8 5

NS 3; NS 3; NS 4; EW 1N; EW 1; Par +140

4 ×N459017.000.00G7-Bossert-BossertG4-Timko-Timko
2 N314013.004.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG2-Matlock-Carr
2 N211010.007.00G2-King-BoydG5-Sowers-Evans
3 S311010.007.00G5-Andre-AndreG11-Banks-Banks
2 N211010.007.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 NTE−21007.0010.00G3-Snow-SnowG7-Haley-Meyer
4 N−1504.0013.00G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG6-Bonham-Estes
4 N−21002.0015.00G4-Lanier-HearnG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 N−31500.5016.50G10-Karrasch-SandiferG10-Clark-Tannery
4 ×W−350015.501.50H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH11-Wilson-Lindsey
4 ×W−350015.501.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 S417014.003.00H3-Gates-SutyH7-Makken-Halperin
3 S311010.007.00H2-Hogan-BhatiaH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
2 S311010.007.00H10-Jones-HarleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
4 E−1506.0011.00H8-Berger-KennedyH6-Caudill-Jewett
4 N−1504.0013.00H6-Coats-PorterH2-See-Bickel
4 S−1504.0013.00H7-Lake-MooreH4-Ohlendorf-Cleveland
4 N−31500.5016.50H4-Alix-CheathamH9-Breed-Tran

Board 31
South Deals
N-S Vul
10 7
K 10 3
A J 6 4
J 7 6 3
K 6 2
A 8 7 5 4
8 2
K Q 8
Q 8 5 4
J 9 6 2
K 9 3
5 4
A J 9 3
Q 10 7 5
A 10 9 2

NS 2; NS 2; NS 1; EW 1; Par +90

3 E−315017.000.00G9-Gittelman-LevyG7-Haley-Meyer
3 W−210013.004.00G6-Abney-DickinsonG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 W−210013.004.00G10-Karrasch-SandiferG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
1 NTN19011.006.00G3-Snow-SnowG6-Bonham-Estes
2 W−1508.508.50G5-Andre-AndreG10-Clark-Tannery
2 W−1508.508.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG5-Sowers-Evans
3 S−11005.0012.00G7-Bossert-BossertG3-Watters-Pleason
2 NTN−11005.0012.00G11-Jackson-GervaisG11-Banks-Banks
1 NTN−22000.0017.00G4-Lanier-HearnG8-Fletcher-Withers
3 S311015.501.50H3-Gates-SutyH6-Caudill-Jewett
3 S311015.501.50H8-Berger-KennedyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
3 W−210013.004.00H9-St Pierre-GronerH7-Makken-Halperin
4 W−1508.508.50H4-Alix-CheathamH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 W−1508.508.50H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH11-Wilson-Lindsey
3 S−11005.0012.00H7-Lake-MooreH3-Reichek-Quinn
2 E21102.5014.50H6-Coats-PorterH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 W21102.5014.50H10-Jones-HarleyH9-Breed-Tran
2 W31401.0016.00H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne

Board 32
West Deals
E-W Vul
10 4 3 2
Q J 10 8 4 2
10 4 2
A K J 8 7 6
A K 9 5 3
A 3
A K Q 10 9 6 4
J 9 8 5
9 5
J 8 7 5 3 2
K Q 7 6

EW 6N; W 5; E 4; EW 4; EW 3; EW 3; Par −1440

7 W−330015.381.62G4-Lanier-HearnG8-Fletcher-Withers
6 E−330015.381.62G7-Bossert-BossertG3-Watters-Pleason
5 W−220012.744.26G10-Karrasch-SandiferG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
4 W−11008.508.50G3-Snow-SnowG6-Bonham-Estes
4 W−11008.508.50G11-Jackson-GervaisG11-Banks-Banks
4 E46204.2612.74G5-Andre-AndreG10-Clark-Tannery
4 W46204.2612.74G9-Gittelman-LevyG7-Haley-Meyer
5 E56502.1514.85G6-Abney-DickinsonG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
6 NTW614400.0316.97G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG5-Sowers-Evans
7 E−440016.970.03H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
6 W−220012.744.26H7-Lake-MooreH3-Reichek-Quinn
6 E−220012.744.26H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH11-Wilson-Lindsey
5 E−11008.508.50H4-Alix-CheathamH8-Grantham-Stieber
4 W−11008.508.50H8-Berger-KennedyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
4 W−11008.508.50H9-St Pierre-GronerH7-Makken-Halperin
4 W46204.2612.74H6-Coats-PorterH1-Levit-Leibovitz
4 NTW66901.0915.91H10-Jones-HarleyH9-Breed-Tran

Board 33
North Deals
None Vul
10 9 4 3 2
K 10 8 5 4
9 4
K 8 7 6 5
Q J 2
A 6 5
K 8
9 3
J 10 9 8 4
Q J 7 2
A 7 6
K Q 3 2
A 10 6 5 3

NS 2; EW 1N; EW 2; EW 1; Par +100: EW 2×−1; EW 2N×−1; EW 3×−1

3 N417016.970.03G7-Bossert-BossertG3-Watters-Pleason
2 N314015.911.09G9-Gittelman-LevyG7-Haley-Meyer
2 W−210014.852.15G11-Jackson-GervaisG11-Banks-Banks
2 W−15012.744.26G3-Snow-SnowG6-Bonham-Estes
3 ×N−11008.508.50G5-Andre-AndreG10-Clark-Tannery
2 ×N−11008.508.50G8-Nakamura-AlexanianG5-Sowers-Evans
2 S−31503.7413.26G4-Lanier-HearnG8-Fletcher-Withers
1 NTE31503.7413.26G10-Karrasch-SandiferG9-Brinker Schwall-Schwall
2 ×S−23000.5616.44G6-Abney-DickinsonG1-Brown, Jr-Brown
3 NTE−15012.744.26H10-Jones-HarleyH9-Breed-Tran
2 W−15012.744.26H11-Godfrey-JohnsonH11-Wilson-Lindsey
2 S−15010.626.38H9-St Pierre-GronerH7-Makken-Halperin
2 S−21008.508.50H6-Coats-PorterH1-Levit-Leibovitz
2 W21105.8511.15H5-Lindsey-O'MalleyH10-Dubose-La Vigne
1 W21105.8511.15H8-Berger-KennedyH5-McGee Cullen-Geiler
1 NTE52102.1514.85H4-Alix-CheathamH8-Grantham-Stieber
3 ×S−23000.5616.44H7-Lake-MooreH3-Reichek-Quinn