2015 "Race with the Aces" Sectional

November 20-22

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>             |SECTION> G N-S
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 21, 2015  |SANCTION>S1511079  | 11/21/2015 18:31|EVENT CODE>21O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  156.0 |TOP>  12 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Race with the Aces
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=9/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Richard Wilson         John Lindsey             A   .     .     .    323.37  151.50    3     .     .    171.87  55.09  1.32(SA)
 2 Frank Zebedeo          AJ James                 C   .     .     .    264.34  113.50    .     .     .    150.84  48.35
 3 Kay Johnson            Kerr Godfrey             A   .     .     .    327.42  163.50    4     .     .    163.92  52.54  1.38(SA)
 4 Paul Wear              Carl Estes               C   .     .     .    292.29  145.00    .     .     .    147.29  47.21
 5 Carolyn Lanier         Karen Hearn              B   .     .     .    258.01  157.00    .     .     .    101.01  32.38  0.53(SB)
 6 Norma Porter           William Baker            B   .     .     .    310.43  162.00    .     .     .    148.43  47.57  1.06(SB)
 7 Ann Wales              Betty Davis              C   .     .     .    247.34  111.50    .     .     .    135.84  43.54
 8 Georgiana Gates        Vinh Tran                A   .     .     .    312.17  151.00    5     .     .    161.17  51.66  0.53(SA)
 9 Edwin (Ted) Bain III   Michael Miedema          B   3     1     .    370.83  180.00    1     1     .    190.83  61.16  4.64(OA)
10 Anna Marlatt           Shirley McKee            A   7     .     .    334.34  158.00    2     .     .    176.34  56.52  2.06(OA)
11 Kris Digre             Cedric Hill              B   .     .     .    311.80  159.00    .     4     .    152.80  48.97  1.29(SB)
12 Richard Jackson        Sandra Jackson           C   .     3     2    328.89  170.50    .     3     2    158.39  50.77  2.44(OB)
13 Sandy Roth             Jack Roth                C   .     5     4    312.92  152.00    .     2     1    160.92  51.58  1.69(SB)

                                          Totals                        3994.15 1974.50                   2019.65

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>     2-    9     5-    7-   10     0     2-    7-   11-    2-   11-    5-    2-
         -50   100    50    90   120   -90   -50    90   150   -50   150    50   -50

   2>     1    12     9-    7     2-    4-    0     4-    9-    6     9-    9-    2-
        -450   100    50  -150  -430  -420  -500  -420    50  -400    50    50  -430

   3>     7-    7-    3-    5-    1    11-    9-    3-    1     5-   11-    1     9-
        -100  -100  -130  -110  -150   100   -50  -130  -150  -110   100  -150   -50

   4>     2-    6     2-    8     6    12     2-    0     2-    6     9    10    11
        -620  -500  -620  -200  -500   710  -620  -800  -620  -500  -100   100   130

   5>  10.33  8.17  2.75  6.54  2.75  4.80  2.75  2.75  2.75 11.96 10.33  8.17  2.75
         110   100  -140  -110  -140  AVE-  -140  -140  -140   140   110   100  -140

   6>   3.29  7.08  1.67  7.08 10.88  4.80  7.08  7.08  7.08  1.67  0.04 11.96  7.08
         110   140   -50   140   200  AVE-   140   140   140   -50  -100  1400   140

   7>   1.67  1.67  8.71  5.46 10.88  4.80  1.67  8.71  5.46  1.67  5.46 11.96  8.71
        -140  -140  -100  -110   100  AVE-  -140  -100  -110  -140  -110   200  -100

   8>   0.04 10.88  8.17  2.75  2.75  4.80  5.46  8.17  2.75  2.75  8.17 11.96  8.17
       -1020  -480  -980 -1010 -1010  AVE-  -990  -980 -1010 -1010  -980    50  -980

   9>  10.33  2.75  0.04 11.96  2.75  4.80 10.33  7.08  7.08  7.08  2.75  7.08  2.75
         140  -100  -150   200  -100  AVE-   140   -50   -50   -50  -100   -50  -100

  10>   9.25 11.96  9.25  0.04  6.54  4.80  2.75  4.92  9.25  9.25  4.92  1.13  2.75
        -620   300  -620 -1390  -640  AVE-  -680  -660  -620  -620  -660  -690  -680

  11>   5.46 10.33 10.33  5.46  5.46  1.13  4.80  5.46 11.96  5.46  1.13  1.13  8.71
        -120  -100  -100  -120  -120  -150  AVE-  -120   100  -120  -150  -150  -110

  12>    11-    2-    5     6     2-    9    11-    9     9     7     0     2-    2-
         150    50   100   110    50   140   150   140   140   120  -100    50    50

  13>    11     5     8     8     1-    6     8     0     4     3    10     1-   12
         200    90   140   140  -300   110   140  -400  -100  -200   170  -300   300

  14>     7-    3     7-    7-    0    12     7-   11     7-    3     7-    3     1
        -110  -140  -110  -110  -200   100  -110  -100  -110  -140  -110  -140  -150

  15>    11-   11-    3     8-    5     5     1-    1-    8-    8-    0     8-    5
         100   100  -110    50   -90   -90  -120  -120    50    50  -500    50   -90

  16>     7     5-   11     9-    0     9-    1-   12     8     5-    1-    3-    3-
         100   -50   470   200  -150   200  -140   510   110   -50  -140  -110  -110

  17>    10     3    10     0     3     3     3    12     7     7    10     7     3
         150    90   150   -50    90    90    90   380   120   120   150   120    90

  18>     0     9-    5     3-    3-    1     9-    6     9-    2     9-    9-    9-
        -100   650   300   200   200   150   650   500   650   170   650   650   650

  19>     8     2    12     0     2     7     2     9    10    11     5     5     5
         -50  -140   300  -150  -140  -100  -140   100   110   200  -110  -110  -110

  20>     8     1     8    12     4-    1     8     8    11     8     3     1     4-
         170  -120   170   300   140  -120   170   170   200   170   -90  -120   140

  21>     0     5-    2     5-    9     5-    2     2    12    10-    8     5-   10-
        -490  -450  -480  -450  -200  -450  -480  -480    50  -170  -420  -450  -170

  22>     0     5-   11     9-    1     2     5-    9-    5-   12     5-    5-    5-
        -630   100   300   200  -620  -600   100   200   100   500   100   100   100

  23>    11-    1-    8-    1-    1-    8-    5-    5-    4     8-    1-    8-   11-
         630  -100   600  -100  -100   600   180   180   150   600  -100   600   630

  24>    10-    2     1     4-    0     8     8     6     3    10-    4-   12     8
         100  -170  -300  -100  -420    50    50   -50  -150   100  -100   140    50

  25>    12     5-    5-    1     5-    5-    2     5-    9    10-   10-    0     5-
         110  -150  -150  -600  -150  -150  -200  -150  -100   -50   -50  -800  -150

  26>     9-     -    4-    3      -    7-   11     4-   12     9-    2     6     7-
         100  -800  -600  -620  -800  -130   200  -600   670   100  -630  -500  -130

EVENT>Saturday Open Pairs      |SESSION>             |SECTION> G E-W
------------------------,------ ------------,-------- --------------------------
DATE>November 21, 2015  |SANCTION>S1511079  | 11/21/2015 18:31|EVENT CODE>21O
---------------------,-- ------------------- -------------,---------------------
DIR> Houston, TX     |RATING>Sectional                    |MOVEMENT>MITCHELL
------------,-------- ,-------------------------,--------- ---------------------
AVE>  156.0 |TOP>  12 |MP LIMITS>None/2500/750  |CLUB>Race with the Aces
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------------
PAIRS IN STRAT A=13/B=7/C=5                      ,---,-------------------------,-------,-------------------------,------,---------,
-------------------------------------------------|   |          Overall        | Carry |           Section       |      |Final    |
No Name                   Name                   |Flt|Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Total | Over  |Rnk-A|Rnk-B|Rnk-C| Score | Pct  |Awards   |
------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------
 1 Ralda St Pierre        Oren Moore               A   1     .     .    383.29  193.00    2     .     .    190.29  60.99  8.25(OA)
 2 Richard Polunsky       Diane Jobin              C   .     .     .    285.00  151.00    .     .     .    134.00  42.95
 3 George Fox             Randall Lake             A   2     .     .    374.04  175.00    1     .     .    199.04  63.79  6.19(OA)
 4 Victor Tong            Shou Chao                C   5     2     1    340.53  152.00    3     1     1    188.53  60.43  3.25(OB)
 5 Angela Hester          William Turner           C   .     4     3    317.34  163.00    .     3     .    154.34  49.47  2.20(SB)
 6 Shawn Quinn            Stephen Reichek          A   4     .     .    343.19  166.50    5     .     .    176.69  56.63  3.48(OA)
 7 Bernice Delaney        August Birke             C   .     .     .    219.65  103.00    .     .     .    116.65  37.39
 8 Jack Balter            Daniel Suty              A   .     .     .    320.97  190.00    .     .     .    130.97  41.98  2.75(SA)
 9 Carl Hogan             May Hakki                B   .     .     .    282.48  156.00    .     .     .    126.48  40.54
10 Clif Capen             Donald White             A   .     .     .    316.50  179.50    .     .     .    137.00  43.91  1.93(SA)
11 Geoff Booth            Robert Sandfield         A   6     .     .    338.63  155.50    4     .     .    183.13  58.70  2.36(OA)
12 Marsha Boyer           Lucilla Edwards          B   .     .     .    289.83  145.50    .     .     .    144.33  46.26
13 Kathleen Malcolmson    Wilma Booth              C   .     .     .    284.47  129.50    .     2     2    154.97  49.67  0.95(SB)

                                          Totals                        4095.92 2059.50                   2036.42

BOARD     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
   1>     9-    4-    3      -    6-    9-    4-     -    2     6-   12     9-    9-
          50   -90  -100  -150   -50    50   -90  -150  -120   -50    90    50    50

   2>    11     7-    0     2-    2-    6     5     2-    9-    2-    7-    9-   12
         450   420  -100   -50   -50   400   150   -50   430   -50   420   430   500

   3>     8-    4-   11     8-    6-    6-     -   11    11      -    2-    2-    4-
         130   100   150   130   110   110  -100   150   150  -100    50    50   100

   4>    12     6     9-    9-    6     4     3     6     2     0     1     9-    9-
         800   500   620   620   500   200   100   500  -100  -710  -130   620   620

   5>   3.83  9.25  9.25  0.04  5.46  1.67  9.25  3.83  7.20  9.25  9.25  1.67  9.25
        -100   140   140  -140   110  -110   140  -100  AVE+   140   140  -110   140

   6>   4.92  4.92 10.33 10.33  4.92 11.96  1.13  0.04  7.20  4.92  4.92  8.71  4.92
        -140  -140    50    50  -140   100  -200 -1400  AVE+  -140  -140  -110  -140

   7>   6.54  3.29 10.33  6.54  6.54  1.13  0.04  7.20  3.29 10.33 10.33  3.29 10.33
         110   100   140   110   110  -100  -200  AVE+   100   140   140   100   140

   8>   9.25  3.83  9.25  9.25  3.83  9.25  0.04  7.20  3.83  6.54 11.96  3.83  1.13
        1010   980  1010  1010   980  1010   -50  AVE+   980   990  1020   980   480

   9>  11.96  4.92  0.04  9.25  9.25  4.92  7.20  9.25  1.67  1.67  4.92  9.25  4.92
         150    50  -200   100   100    50  AVE+   100  -140  -140    50   100    50

  10>   2.75  2.75 11.96  7.08  5.46 10.88  7.20  9.25  9.25  2.75  7.08  0.04  2.75
         620   620  1390   660   640   690  AVE+   680   680   620   660  -300   620

  11>   6.54  6.54 10.88  6.54 10.88 10.88  3.29  7.20  6.54  6.54  1.67  0.04  1.67
         120   120   150   120   150   150   110  AVE+   120   120   100  -100   100

  12>     5     6    12     9-    9-    3     9-     -     -    3     9-    3     7
        -120  -110   100   -50   -50  -140   -50  -150  -150  -140   -50  -140  -100

  13>     4     2    10-   10-    6     0     4     1    12     7     8     4     9
        -140  -170   300   300  -110  -300  -140  -200   400   -90   100  -140   200

  14>     4-    4-   12     9     0    11     4-    4-    1     9     4-    4-    9
         110   110   200   140  -100   150   110   110   100   140   110   110   140

  15>    12     7     3-    7     7    10-     -   10-     -    3-    9     3-    3-
         500    90   -50    90    90   120  -100   120  -100   -50   110   -50   -50

  16>    10-   12     8-    2-    8-   10-    5     0     6-    4     1     6-    2-
         140   150   110  -200   110   140  -100  -510    50  -110  -470    50  -200

  17>     9     5     9     9     9     2     0     9     5     2     5    12     2
         -90  -120   -90   -90   -90  -150  -380   -90  -120  -150  -120    50  -150

  18>     8-    2-   11     2-    2-   12     6     2-    2-    7    10     8-    2-
        -200  -650  -150  -650  -650   100  -500  -650  -650  -300  -170  -200  -650

  19>     7     5     7    10     4     3    10     2     0     1    12     7    10
         110   100   110   140    50  -100   140  -110  -300  -200   150   110   140

  20>    11    11     7-    4     4     4    11     1     4     4     0     9     7-
         120   120  -140  -170  -170  -170   120  -200  -170  -170  -300    90  -140

  21>     6-    1-   10    12    10     6-    0    10     1-    6-    4     3     6-
         450   170   480   490   480   450   -50   480   170   450   420   200   450

  22>    10     6-    6-   12     2-    6-    6-    1     0     2-    6-   11     6-
         600  -100  -100   630  -200  -100  -100  -300  -500  -200  -100   620  -100

  23>      -    6-     -    6-   10-    8     3-    3-   10-   10-   10-    3-    3-
        -630  -180  -630  -180   100  -150  -600  -600   100   100   100  -600  -600

  24>     4     4     1-    6    10     9    11     1-    7-    7-   12     0     4
         -50   -50  -100    50   170   150   300  -100   100   100   420  -140   -50

  25>    10     0     6-    6-    3     6-    1-   11     1-    6-   12     6-    6-
         200  -110   150   150   100   150    50   600    50   150   800   150   150

  26>     1     2-    7-   11-    0     7-    2-    9    10    11-    6     4-    4-
        -200  -100   600   800  -670   600  -100   620   630   800   500   130   130
Saturday Open Pairs, November 21, 2015

Board 1
North Deals
None Vul
6 3
Q J 7 4
K J 7 3
10 8 5
K 7 4
10 9 3 2
Q 4
A K Q 9
Q 10 9
K 6 5
9 6 5 2
7 3 2
A J 8 5 2
A 8
A 10 8
J 6 4

NS 2; NS 1N; NS 2; NS 1; E 1; Par +110

2 E−315011.500.509-Bain III-Miedema4-Tong-Chao
2 E−315011.500.5011-Digre-Hill8-Balter-Suty
1 NTN212010.002.005-Lanier-Hearn9-Hogan-Hakki
2 E−21009.003.002-Zebedeo-James3-Fox-Lake
1 NTN1907.504.504-Wear-Estes7-Delaney-Birke
1 NTN1907.504.508-Gates-Tran2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 W−1505.506.503-Johnson-Godfrey5-Hester-Turner
1 NTE−1505.506.5012-Jackson-Jackson10-Capen-White
1 NTN−1502.509.501-Wilson-Lindsey1-St Pierre-Moore
1 NTN−1502.509.507-Wales-Davis13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 S−1502.509.5010-Marlatt-McKee6-Quinn-Reichek
1 NTN−1502.509.5013-Roth-Roth12-Boyer-Edwards
2 E2900.0012.006-Porter-Baker11-Booth-Sandfield

Board 2
East Deals
N-S Vul
Q 9 7 4
Q J 6 3
Q 9
8 6 5
A 6
A 10 9 2
K 10 4 2
K J 10
8 7 5 4
A J 7 5 3
A Q 4
K J 10 8 5 2
8 6
9 7 3 2

EW 4N; EW 4; EW 5; EW 2; EW 1; Par −430

6 E−210012.000.002-Zebedeo-James3-Fox-Lake
4 E−1509.502.503-Johnson-Godfrey5-Hester-Turner
4 E−1509.502.509-Bain III-Miedema4-Tong-Chao
4 E−1509.502.5011-Digre-Hill8-Balter-Suty
4 W−1509.502.5012-Jackson-Jackson10-Capen-White
2 E51507.005.004-Wear-Estes7-Delaney-Birke
5 E54006.006.0010-Marlatt-McKee6-Quinn-Reichek
4 E44204.507.506-Porter-Baker11-Booth-Sandfield
4 E44204.507.508-Gates-Tran2-Polunsky-Jobin
3 NTW44302.509.505-Lanier-Hearn9-Hogan-Hakki
3 NTW44302.509.5013-Roth-Roth12-Boyer-Edwards
4 E54501.0011.001-Wilson-Lindsey1-St Pierre-Moore
2 ×S−25000.0012.007-Wales-Davis13-Malcolmson-Booth

Board 3
South Deals
E-W Vul
A 10 5 4
K Q 7 5 2
K 2
Q 10
7 6
A J 8 3
Q J 8 4 3
K 3
Q 9 8
10 6
A 9 5
A 9 7 4 2
K J 3 2
9 4
10 7 6
J 8 6 5

EW 2N; NS 2; EW 3; EW 2; Par −100: NS 3×−1

2 NTW−110011.500.506-Porter-Baker10-Capen-White
3 NTW−110011.500.5011-Digre-Hill7-Delaney-Birke
1 NTS−1509.502.507-Wales-Davis12-Boyer-Edwards
2 S−1509.502.5013-Roth-Roth11-Booth-Sandfield
3 S−21007.504.501-Wilson-Lindsey13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 S−21007.504.502-Zebedeo-James2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 W31105.506.504-Wear-Estes6-Quinn-Reichek
2 W31105.506.5010-Marlatt-McKee5-Hester-Turner
2 W41303.508.503-Johnson-Godfrey4-Tong-Chao
3 W41303.508.508-Gates-Tran1-St Pierre-Moore
3 W51501.0011.005-Lanier-Hearn8-Balter-Suty
3 N−31501.0011.009-Bain III-Miedema3-Fox-Lake
1 NTW31501.0011.0012-Jackson-Jackson9-Hogan-Hakki

Board 4
West Deals
Both Vul
K 8
Q 10 8 6 5 3
J 6 5
Q J 9 7
J 10 8 7 4 3
A K 4
A 5 3 2
9 5
K 4
Q 10 9 8 2
10 6 4
Q 6 2
A J 9 7 2
7 3

EW 4; EW 4; EW 4; NS 3; Par −500: NS 5×−2

4 ×N471012.000.006-Porter-Baker10-Capen-White
3 N413011.001.0013-Roth-Roth11-Booth-Sandfield
5 E−110010.002.0012-Jackson-Jackson9-Hogan-Hakki
4 N−11009.003.0011-Digre-Hill7-Delaney-Birke
3 ×N−12008.004.004-Wear-Estes6-Quinn-Reichek
5 ×N−25006.006.002-Zebedeo-James2-Polunsky-Jobin
4 ×N−25006.006.005-Lanier-Hearn8-Balter-Suty
5 ×N−25006.006.0010-Marlatt-McKee5-Hester-Turner
4 W46202.509.501-Wilson-Lindsey13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 W46202.509.503-Johnson-Godfrey4-Tong-Chao
4 W46202.509.507-Wales-Davis12-Boyer-Edwards
4 W46202.509.509-Bain III-Miedema3-Fox-Lake
5 ×N−38000.0012.008-Gates-Tran1-St Pierre-Moore

Board 5
North Deals
N-S Vul
K 8
10 6 2
A 10 6 4
J 9 5 3
A 10 9 6 4 2
K Q 7 3
K 6
Q 3
J 9 5 4
9 8 5
A 8 7 4
J 7 5
A K Q 8 7
J 2
Q 10 2

EW 2; NS 2; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 1; Par −110

3 S314011.960.0410-Marlatt-McKee4-Tong-Chao
2 S211010.331.671-Wilson-Lindsey12-Boyer-Edwards
2 S211010.331.6711-Digre-Hill6-Quinn-Reichek
4 W−21008.173.832-Zebedeo-James1-St Pierre-Moore
4 W−21008.173.8312-Jackson-Jackson8-Balter-Suty
2 W21106.545.464-Wear-Estes5-Hester-Turner
3 W31402.759.253-Johnson-Godfrey3-Fox-Lake
3 W31402.759.255-Lanier-Hearn7-Delaney-Birke
3 W31402.759.257-Wales-Davis11-Booth-Sandfield
2 E31402.759.258-Gates-Tran13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 W31402.759.259-Bain III-Miedema2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 W31402.759.2513-Roth-Roth10-Capen-White

Board 6
East Deals
E-W Vul
A K J 10 2
10 8 5
6 5
A Q 4
Q 9 7 4
9 6 3
4 2
9 8 3 2
K Q 4 2
A K J 10 9 7
K J 5
8 6 5 3
A J 7
Q 8 3
10 7 6

NS 3N; N 3; S 2; W 1; EW 1; Par +400

7 ×E−5140011.960.0412-Jackson-Jackson8-Balter-Suty
3 E−220010.881.135-Lanier-Hearn7-Delaney-Birke
3 N31407.084.922-Zebedeo-James1-St Pierre-Moore
3 N31407.084.924-Wear-Estes5-Hester-Turner
3 N31407.084.927-Wales-Davis11-Booth-Sandfield
2 N31407.084.928-Gates-Tran13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 N31407.084.929-Bain III-Miedema2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 N31407.084.9213-Roth-Roth10-Capen-White
2 N21103.298.711-Wilson-Lindsey12-Boyer-Edwards
3 S−1501.6710.333-Johnson-Godfrey3-Fox-Lake
3 N−1501.6710.3310-Marlatt-McKee4-Tong-Chao
3 ×N−11000.0411.9611-Digre-Hill6-Quinn-Reichek

Board 7
South Deals
Both Vul
Q 8 5 4
A J 3
9 8 2
J 7 5
A 9 3 2
K Q 5
K Q 10 7
Q 3
10 7
9 8 7 4 2
4 3
A 10 9 2
K J 6
10 6
A J 6 5
K 8 6 4

EW 2; NS 1N; NS 1; EW 1; EW 1; Par −110

2 W−220011.960.0412-Jackson-Jackson7-Delaney-Birke
2 W−110010.881.135-Lanier-Hearn6-Quinn-Reichek
2 N−11008.713.293-Johnson-Godfrey2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 N−11008.713.298-Gates-Tran12-Boyer-Edwards
2 N−11008.713.2913-Roth-Roth9-Hogan-Hakki
2 E21105.466.544-Wear-Estes4-Tong-Chao
2 W21105.466.549-Bain III-Miedema1-St Pierre-Moore
2 W21105.466.5411-Digre-Hill5-Hester-Turner
2 W31401.6710.331-Wilson-Lindsey11-Booth-Sandfield
2 W31401.6710.332-Zebedeo-James13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 E31401.6710.337-Wales-Davis10-Capen-White
2 W31401.6710.3310-Marlatt-McKee3-Fox-Lake

Board 8
West Deals
None Vul
10 3
8 6 5
K J 10 5 2
9 7 2
Q J 7 5
A Q 2
8 6 3
A J 3
A K 9 8 4
K 7 4
A Q 9
K 8
6 2
J 10 9 3
7 4
Q 10 6 5 4

EW 7N; EW 7; EW 6; EW 5; EW 4; Par −1520

7 W−15011.960.0412-Jackson-Jackson7-Delaney-Birke
4 E648010.881.132-Zebedeo-James13-Malcolmson-Booth
6 E69808.173.833-Johnson-Godfrey2-Polunsky-Jobin
6 E69808.173.838-Gates-Tran12-Boyer-Edwards
6 E69808.173.8311-Digre-Hill5-Hester-Turner
6 E69808.173.8313-Roth-Roth9-Hogan-Hakki
6 NTW69905.466.547-Wales-Davis10-Capen-White
6 E710102.759.254-Wear-Estes4-Tong-Chao
6 E710102.759.255-Lanier-Hearn6-Quinn-Reichek
6 E710102.759.259-Bain III-Miedema1-St Pierre-Moore
6 E710102.759.2510-Marlatt-McKee3-Fox-Lake
6 NTW710200.0411.961-Wilson-Lindsey11-Booth-Sandfield

Board 9
North Deals
E-W Vul
Q 7 4 2
9 8 6 5 2
J 10 4
10 9 3
9 7 3 2
K 8 7 6 2
K 8 6 5
Q 10 7 3
A K 8
Q 5
A K 4
Q 6 5
A J 10 9 4

NS 3; N 2N; S 1N; NS 1; NS 1; Par +140

3 E−220011.960.044-Wear-Estes3-Fox-Lake
3 N314010.331.671-Wilson-Lindsey10-Capen-White
3 S314010.331.677-Wales-Davis9-Hogan-Hakki
4 N−1507.084.928-Gates-Tran11-Booth-Sandfield
4 N−1507.084.929-Bain III-Miedema13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 S−1507.084.9210-Marlatt-McKee2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 N−1507.084.9212-Jackson-Jackson6-Quinn-Reichek
3 NTS−21002.759.252-Zebedeo-James12-Boyer-Edwards
3 N−21002.759.255-Lanier-Hearn5-Hester-Turner
4 N−21002.759.2511-Digre-Hill4-Tong-Chao
3 ×N−11002.759.2513-Roth-Roth8-Balter-Suty
3 S−31500.0411.963-Johnson-Godfrey1-St Pierre-Moore

Board 10
East Deals
Both Vul
K J 9 8
10 9 8 6 5
7 2
6 3
5 3
A K Q J 7 4
K 10 4 2
Q 10 2
A K 8 5 3
A Q J 8
A 7 6 4
J 10 9 6 4
9 7 5

EW 5N; EW 4; EW 5; EW 2; EW 3; Par −660

6 E−330011.960.042-Zebedeo-James12-Boyer-Edwards
4 W46209.252.751-Wilson-Lindsey10-Capen-White
4 W46209.252.753-Johnson-Godfrey1-St Pierre-Moore
4 W46209.252.759-Bain III-Miedema13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 W46209.252.7510-Marlatt-McKee2-Polunsky-Jobin
5 E76406.545.465-Lanier-Hearn5-Hester-Turner
3 NTE56604.927.088-Gates-Tran11-Booth-Sandfield
3 NTE56604.927.0811-Digre-Hill4-Tong-Chao
5 W66802.759.257-Wales-Davis9-Hogan-Hakki
4 W66802.759.2513-Roth-Roth8-Balter-Suty
3 NTE66901.1310.8812-Jackson-Jackson6-Quinn-Reichek
6 E713900.0411.964-Wear-Estes3-Fox-Lake

Board 11
South Deals
None Vul
K J 6
9 8 3
K 2
Q 8 7 6 5
A 7 3
K Q 10 5 2
Q 10 7
10 9 4
J 4
8 5 4 3
K 10 9 3
Q 8 5 2
A 7 6
A J 9 6
4 2

EW 1N; NS 1; EW 1; EW 1; Par −90

2 NTE−210011.960.049-Bain III-Miedema12-Boyer-Edwards
2 S−210010.331.672-Zebedeo-James11-Booth-Sandfield
2 N−210010.331.673-Johnson-Godfrey13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 W21108.713.2913-Roth-Roth7-Delaney-Birke
1 NTW21205.466.541-Wilson-Lindsey9-Hogan-Hakki
1 NTW21205.466.544-Wear-Estes2-Polunsky-Jobin
1 NTW21205.466.545-Lanier-Hearn4-Tong-Chao
1 NTW21205.466.548-Gates-Tran10-Capen-White
1 NTW21205.466.5410-Marlatt-McKee1-St Pierre-Moore
1 NTW31501.1310.886-Porter-Baker6-Quinn-Reichek
1 NTW31501.1310.8811-Digre-Hill3-Fox-Lake
1 NTW31501.1310.8812-Jackson-Jackson5-Hester-Turner

Board 12
West Deals
N-S Vul
A 7 6 4 2
A 7 5 3
9 4 2
K 8 5 3
7 4
Q J 8
A 8 5 3
10 9
A K Q 10 6 2
9 6 2
7 6
J 8 5 3
K 10 4
K Q J 10

NS 3; NS 3; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 1; Par +140

2 NTS315011.500.501-Wilson-Lindsey9-Hogan-Hakki
3 NTW−315011.500.507-Wales-Davis8-Balter-Suty
3 N31409.003.006-Porter-Baker6-Quinn-Reichek
2 N31409.003.008-Gates-Tran10-Capen-White
2 N31409.003.009-Bain III-Miedema12-Boyer-Edwards
2 NTS21207.005.0010-Marlatt-McKee1-St Pierre-Moore
2 N21106.006.004-Wear-Estes2-Polunsky-Jobin
3 E−21005.007.003-Johnson-Godfrey13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 E−1502.509.502-Zebedeo-James11-Booth-Sandfield
2 E−1502.509.505-Lanier-Hearn4-Tong-Chao
2 E−1502.509.5012-Jackson-Jackson5-Hester-Turner
2 E−1502.509.5013-Roth-Roth7-Delaney-Birke
3 N−11000.0012.0011-Digre-Hill3-Fox-Lake

Board 13
North Deals
Both Vul
Q 6
A Q J 7 6 5
Q 8
6 5 4
8 5 2
10 9 3 2
K 7
Q 8 7 2
A K 7
8 4
10 9 4 2
A 10 9 3
J 10 9 4 3
A J 6 5 3

NS 3; NS 2; NS 1N; NS 2; EW 2; Par +140

2 W−330012.000.0013-Roth-Roth6-Quinn-Reichek
3 E−220011.001.001-Wilson-Lindsey8-Balter-Suty
3 N417010.002.0011-Digre-Hill2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 N31408.004.003-Johnson-Godfrey12-Boyer-Edwards
2 N31408.004.004-Wear-Estes1-St Pierre-Moore
3 N31408.004.007-Wales-Davis7-Delaney-Birke
2 N21106.006.006-Porter-Baker5-Hester-Turner
2 S2905.007.002-Zebedeo-James10-Capen-White
4 N−11004.008.009-Bain III-Miedema11-Booth-Sandfield
2 ×N−12003.009.0010-Marlatt-McKee13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 NTS−33001.5010.505-Lanier-Hearn3-Fox-Lake
3 NTS−33001.5010.5012-Jackson-Jackson4-Tong-Chao
3 NTS−44000.0012.008-Gates-Tran9-Hogan-Hakki

Board 14
East Deals
None Vul
A 9
K Q 7 4
A 7 6 3
10 9 2
8 7 6 5
3 2
Q 8 2
A K J 3
K Q J 2
A J 9 6 5
10 5
8 5
10 4 3
10 8
K J 9 4
Q 7 6 4

EW 2; EW 2; EW 1N; NS 1; EW 1; Par −110

4 W−210012.000.006-Porter-Baker5-Hester-Turner
3 N−210011.001.008-Gates-Tran9-Hogan-Hakki
2 W21107.504.501-Wilson-Lindsey8-Balter-Suty
2 W21107.504.503-Johnson-Godfrey12-Boyer-Edwards
2 W21107.504.504-Wear-Estes1-St Pierre-Moore
2 W21107.504.507-Wales-Davis7-Delaney-Birke
2 W21107.504.509-Bain III-Miedema11-Booth-Sandfield
2 W21107.504.5011-Digre-Hill2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 W31403.009.002-Zebedeo-James10-Capen-White
3 W31403.009.0010-Marlatt-McKee13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 E31403.009.0012-Jackson-Jackson4-Tong-Chao
3 S−31501.0011.0013-Roth-Roth6-Quinn-Reichek
3 W52000.0012.005-Lanier-Hearn3-Fox-Lake

Board 15
South Deals
N-S Vul
J 7
7 6 5
K 10 4
A K 9 8 3
K 9 4
K J 4
A Q 9 8 2
J 5
Q 6 3 2
A Q 8 2
Q 10 7 6
A 10 8 5
10 9 3
J 7 5 3
4 2

EW 3; EW 3; EW 2N; EW 2; EW 1; Par −140

2 W−210011.500.501-Wilson-Lindsey7-Delaney-Birke
3 NTE−210011.500.502-Zebedeo-James9-Hogan-Hakki
3 NTE−1508.503.504-Wear-Estes13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 NTW−1508.503.509-Bain III-Miedema10-Capen-White
3 NTE−1508.503.5010-Marlatt-McKee12-Boyer-Edwards
3 NTE−1508.503.5012-Jackson-Jackson3-Fox-Lake
1 NTW1905.007.005-Lanier-Hearn2-Polunsky-Jobin
1 NTW1905.007.006-Porter-Baker4-Tong-Chao
2 W2905.007.0013-Roth-Roth5-Hester-Turner
2 E21103.009.003-Johnson-Godfrey11-Booth-Sandfield
1 NTW21201.5010.507-Wales-Davis6-Quinn-Reichek
1 NTW21201.5010.508-Gates-Tran8-Balter-Suty
2 ×N−25000.0012.0011-Digre-Hill1-St Pierre-Moore

Board 16
West Deals
E-W Vul
6 3
Q 9 7 6 5
A 9 7 3 2
A 10 5
A Q 9 7 4 3 2
8 4
J 9 7 4 2
A J 10 3
Q J 10
K Q 8
K J 10 8
K 2
K 8 6 5

EW 3; EW 1N; NS 2; EW 1; Par −140

4 ×S451012.000.008-Gates-Tran8-Balter-Suty
3 ×S347011.001.003-Johnson-Godfrey11-Booth-Sandfield
3 W−22009.502.504-Wear-Estes13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 W−22009.502.506-Porter-Baker4-Tong-Chao
3 S31108.004.009-Bain III-Miedema10-Capen-White
3 W−11007.005.001-Wilson-Lindsey7-Delaney-Birke
3 S−1505.506.502-Zebedeo-James9-Hogan-Hakki
3 N−1505.506.5010-Marlatt-McKee12-Boyer-Edwards
2 W21103.508.5012-Jackson-Jackson3-Fox-Lake
2 W21103.508.5013-Roth-Roth5-Hester-Turner
3 W31401.5010.507-Wales-Davis6-Quinn-Reichek
2 W31401.5010.5011-Digre-Hill1-St Pierre-Moore
3 NTN−31500.0012.005-Lanier-Hearn2-Polunsky-Jobin

Board 17
North Deals
None Vul
A 5 2
A K 10 2
J 9 8
K 10 5
10 8 6
J 5 4 3
Q 10 5 3
4 3
K J 4
Q 7 6
K 6 4
A Q 9 2
Q 9 7 3
9 8
A 7 2
J 8 7 6

NS 2N; NS 2; NS 1; NS 1; NS 1; Par +120

1 NT×N338012.000.008-Gates-Tran7-Delaney-Birke
1 NTN315010.002.001-Wilson-Lindsey6-Quinn-Reichek
2 E−315010.002.003-Johnson-Godfrey10-Capen-White
1 NTN315010.002.0011-Digre-Hill13-Malcolmson-Booth
1 NTN21207.005.009-Bain III-Miedema9-Hogan-Hakki
1 NTN21207.005.0010-Marlatt-McKee11-Booth-Sandfield
1 NTN21207.005.0012-Jackson-Jackson2-Polunsky-Jobin
1 NTN1903.009.002-Zebedeo-James8-Balter-Suty
1 NTN1903.009.005-Lanier-Hearn1-St Pierre-Moore
1 NTN1903.009.006-Porter-Baker3-Fox-Lake
1 NTN1903.009.007-Wales-Davis5-Hester-Turner
1 NTN1903.009.0013-Roth-Roth4-Tong-Chao
2 NTN−1500.0012.004-Wear-Estes12-Boyer-Edwards

Board 18
East Deals
N-S Vul
A K 5 4 3
J 9
8 5 3 2
J 4
8 7 6 4
Q 10 9
A K 10 6 5
J 9 2
K 10 5
J 6
Q 9 7 3 2
Q 10 8 7
A Q 3 2
A K 7 4

NS 5; NS 5; NS 2N; NS 2; EW 1; Par +650

4 N56509.502.502-Zebedeo-James8-Balter-Suty
4 N56509.502.507-Wales-Davis5-Hester-Turner
4 N56509.502.509-Bain III-Miedema9-Hogan-Hakki
4 N56509.502.5011-Digre-Hill13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 N56509.502.5012-Jackson-Jackson2-Polunsky-Jobin
4 N56509.502.5013-Roth-Roth4-Tong-Chao
5 ×W−35006.006.008-Gates-Tran7-Delaney-Birke
5 ×W−23005.007.003-Johnson-Godfrey10-Capen-White
2 N52003.508.504-Wear-Estes12-Boyer-Edwards
2 N52003.508.505-Lanier-Hearn1-St Pierre-Moore
3 S41702.0010.0010-Marlatt-McKee11-Booth-Sandfield
4 S51501.0011.006-Porter-Baker3-Fox-Lake
6 N−11000.0012.001-Wilson-Lindsey6-Quinn-Reichek

Board 19
South Deals
E-W Vul
K 10 7
J 10 4
A J 9 4 2
8 7
Q 8 5 4
K 7 5 2
K 7 5
6 4
A J 2
Q 9 6 3
Q 10 8
A J 5
9 6 3
A 8
6 3
K Q 10 9 3 2

EW 3; EW 2; NS 2; EW 1; Par −140

3 W−330012.000.003-Johnson-Godfrey9-Hogan-Hakki
3 W−220011.001.0010-Marlatt-McKee10-Capen-White
3 S311010.002.009-Bain III-Miedema8-Balter-Suty
3 W−11009.003.008-Gates-Tran6-Quinn-Reichek
3 S−1508.004.001-Wilson-Lindsey5-Hester-Turner
3 N−21007.005.006-Porter-Baker2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 W21105.007.0011-Digre-Hill12-Boyer-Edwards
2 W21105.007.0012-Jackson-Jackson1-St Pierre-Moore
2 W21105.007.0013-Roth-Roth3-Fox-Lake
2 W31402.0010.002-Zebedeo-James7-Delaney-Birke
2 E31402.0010.005-Lanier-Hearn13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 W31402.0010.007-Wales-Davis4-Tong-Chao
1 NTE31500.0012.004-Wear-Estes11-Booth-Sandfield

Board 20
West Deals
Both Vul
5 3
A 9 2
10 9 7 5
K Q 5 4
K 4
Q 5 4
A K J 4 2
A 10 8
8 7 6
J 7 6 3
Q 6 3
J 7 2
A Q J 10 9 2
K 10 8
9 6 3

NS 4; EW 1N; EW 1; NS 1; Par +620

2 E−330012.000.004-Wear-Estes11-Booth-Sandfield
3 ×W−120011.001.009-Bain III-Miedema8-Balter-Suty
2 S41708.004.001-Wilson-Lindsey5-Hester-Turner
2 S41708.004.003-Johnson-Godfrey9-Hogan-Hakki
2 S41708.004.007-Wales-Davis4-Tong-Chao
2 S41708.004.008-Gates-Tran6-Quinn-Reichek
3 S41708.004.0010-Marlatt-McKee10-Capen-White
2 S31404.507.505-Lanier-Hearn13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 S31404.507.5013-Roth-Roth3-Fox-Lake
1 NTW1903.009.0011-Digre-Hill12-Boyer-Edwards
1 NTW21201.0011.002-Zebedeo-James7-Delaney-Birke
1 NTW21201.0011.006-Porter-Baker2-Polunsky-Jobin
1 NTW21201.0011.0012-Jackson-Jackson1-St Pierre-Moore

Board 21
North Deals
N-S Vul
J 9 8
7 5 3
K Q 3 2
A 9 7
A K Q 7 5 4 2
A 10 6
8 6
Q 9 8
A 9 6 4
K Q 10 5 3
6 3
K J 4 2
J 10 8 5
J 4 2

EW 5; EW 3N; EW 4; EW 2; EW 1; Par −450

6 W−15012.000.009-Bain III-Miedema7-Delaney-Birke
3 W417010.501.5010-Marlatt-McKee9-Hogan-Hakki
2 W417010.501.5013-Roth-Roth2-Polunsky-Jobin
3 W52009.003.005-Lanier-Hearn12-Boyer-Edwards
4 W44208.004.0011-Digre-Hill11-Booth-Sandfield
4 W54505.506.502-Zebedeo-James6-Quinn-Reichek
5 W54505.506.504-Wear-Estes10-Capen-White
4 W54505.506.506-Porter-Baker1-St Pierre-Moore
4 W54505.506.5012-Jackson-Jackson13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 W64802.0010.003-Johnson-Godfrey8-Balter-Suty
4 W64802.0010.007-Wales-Davis3-Fox-Lake
4 W64802.0010.008-Gates-Tran5-Hester-Turner
3 NTE64900.0012.001-Wilson-Lindsey4-Tong-Chao

Board 22
East Deals
E-W Vul
Q 6 5
J 9 8 2
Q J 9 7 3
A 4
10 8 5
A K 8 5 4 2
J 3 2
A Q 9 6 3
Q 7 6 3
K 10 9 8 7
K J 7 4
10 5 4

E 4; W 3; EW 1N; E 2; EW 2; E 1; W 1; Par −620

4 ×W−250012.000.0010-Marlatt-McKee9-Hogan-Hakki
3 NTW−330011.001.003-Johnson-Godfrey8-Balter-Suty
4 E−22009.502.504-Wear-Estes10-Capen-White
4 E−22009.502.508-Gates-Tran5-Hester-Turner
4 E−11005.506.502-Zebedeo-James6-Quinn-Reichek
4 E−11005.506.507-Wales-Davis3-Fox-Lake
3 W−11005.506.509-Bain III-Miedema7-Delaney-Birke
4 E−11005.506.5011-Digre-Hill11-Booth-Sandfield
4 E−11005.506.5012-Jackson-Jackson13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 W−11005.506.5013-Roth-Roth2-Polunsky-Jobin
3 NTW36002.0010.006-Porter-Baker1-St Pierre-Moore
4 E46201.0011.005-Lanier-Hearn12-Boyer-Edwards
3 NTW46300.0012.001-Wilson-Lindsey4-Tong-Chao

Board 23
South Deals
Both Vul
10 7 4 2
A 9 6
A J 8 7 2
8 5 3
J 7
Q 7 6 4
K 9 6 5
K Q 6
8 5 4 3 2
K 10 2
Q 3
A J 9
K Q 10
A J 9 8 5
10 4

NS 4; NS 3N; NS 3; NS 4; NS 2; Par +620

3 NTS463011.500.501-Wilson-Lindsey3-Fox-Lake
3 NTS463011.500.5013-Roth-Roth1-St Pierre-Moore
3 NTS36008.503.503-Johnson-Godfrey7-Delaney-Birke
3 NTN36008.503.506-Porter-Baker13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 NTS36008.503.5010-Marlatt-McKee8-Balter-Suty
3 NTS36008.503.5012-Jackson-Jackson12-Boyer-Edwards
2 NTS41805.506.507-Wales-Davis2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 NTS41805.506.508-Gates-Tran4-Tong-Chao
2 NTS31504.008.009-Bain III-Miedema6-Quinn-Reichek
4 N−11001.5010.502-Zebedeo-James5-Hester-Turner
3 NTS−11001.5010.504-Wear-Estes9-Hogan-Hakki
3 NTS−11001.5010.505-Lanier-Hearn11-Booth-Sandfield
3 NTS−11001.5010.5011-Digre-Hill10-Capen-White

Board 24
West Deals
None Vul
10 8 6
A Q 7 5 3
Q 9 8 3
K J 9 8 6 3 2
J 6
K 4
9 7 2
Q 10 4
K 10 9 8
J 10 7
K Q 5 4 3
A 7
4 2
A 6 5 2

NS 3; EW 3; NS 4; NS 2; Par +100: EW 4×−1

3 S314012.000.0012-Jackson-Jackson12-Boyer-Edwards
4 W−210010.501.501-Wilson-Lindsey3-Fox-Lake
4 ×W−110010.501.5010-Marlatt-McKee8-Balter-Suty
4 W−1508.004.006-Porter-Baker13-Malcolmson-Booth
4 W−1508.004.007-Wales-Davis2-Polunsky-Jobin
4 W−1508.004.0013-Roth-Roth1-St Pierre-Moore
4 S−1506.006.008-Gates-Tran4-Tong-Chao
4 N−21004.507.504-Wear-Estes9-Hogan-Hakki
4 S−21004.507.5011-Digre-Hill10-Capen-White
4 S−31503.009.009-Bain III-Miedema6-Quinn-Reichek
2 W41702.0010.002-Zebedeo-James5-Hester-Turner
4 ×S−23001.0011.003-Johnson-Godfrey7-Delaney-Birke
4 W44200.0012.005-Lanier-Hearn11-Booth-Sandfield

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
A Q 6 5 3
J 10 7 3
K 9 7 6
K Q 9 6
10 7 4
A 8 5 2
10 5
8 3 2
K J 9 2
K 4
A J 8 3
A J 10 7 5 4
Q 9 6
Q 4 2

EW 2N; EW 1; EW 1; Par −120

2 S211012.000.001-Wilson-Lindsey2-Polunsky-Jobin
2 S−15010.501.5010-Marlatt-McKee7-Delaney-Birke
3 N−15010.501.5011-Digre-Hill9-Hogan-Hakki
2 S−21009.003.009-Bain III-Miedema5-Hester-Turner
2 S−31505.506.502-Zebedeo-James4-Tong-Chao
1 NTN−31505.506.503-Johnson-Godfrey6-Quinn-Reichek
2 NTW31505.506.505-Lanier-Hearn10-Capen-White
1 NTW31505.506.506-Porter-Baker12-Boyer-Edwards
2 NTW31505.506.508-Gates-Tran3-Fox-Lake
3 NTN−31505.506.5013-Roth-Roth13-Malcolmson-Booth
3 NTS−42002.0010.007-Wales-Davis1-St Pierre-Moore
2 ××S−26001.0011.004-Wear-Estes8-Balter-Suty
3 ×N−48000.0012.0012-Jackson-Jackson11-Booth-Sandfield

Board 26
East Deals
Both Vul
J 8 6 4
Q 5 3 2
K 2
J 9 6
A K 7 5
7 4
Q 10 7 6 3
10 8
K J 10 9 6
A J 9 8 4
A 4 3
Q 10 9 3 2
A 8
K Q 7 5 2

EW 5; EW 3; EW 1N; N 2; NS 1; S 1; Par −600

2 ×N267012.000.009-Bain III-Miedema5-Hester-Turner
3 NTE−220011.001.007-Wales-Davis1-St Pierre-Moore
5 W−11009.502.501-Wilson-Lindsey2-Polunsky-Jobin
5 W−11009.502.5010-Marlatt-McKee7-Delaney-Birke
4 E41307.504.506-Porter-Baker12-Boyer-Edwards
3 E41307.504.5013-Roth-Roth13-Malcolmson-Booth
2 ×S−25006.006.0012-Jackson-Jackson11-Booth-Sandfield
5 E56004.507.503-Johnson-Godfrey6-Quinn-Reichek
5 E56004.507.508-Gates-Tran3-Fox-Lake
5 E66203.009.004-Wear-Estes8-Balter-Suty
3 NTW46302.0010.0011-Digre-Hill9-Hogan-Hakki
4 ×S−38000.5011.502-Zebedeo-James4-Tong-Chao
3 ×N−38000.5011.505-Lanier-Hearn10-Capen-White