Teaching Material

This is a collection of teaching materials donated by District 16 members.

These items should be useful for teachers or for players who want to improve their game.

Additional donations are welcome and should be sent to

Education Chair Ed Rawlinson at edrawlinson@satx.rr.com.


Teaching Material PDFs
Card Combinations Card Combinations.pdf
Competitive Bidding Competitive Bidding.pdf
Defensive Signals Defensive Signals.pdf
Defensive Techniques 1 Defensive Techniques 1.pdf
Defensive Techniques 2 Defensive Techniques 2.pdf
End Plays-Strip & Throw-In End Plays-Strip & Throw-In.pdf
Four Suit Transfers vs. 2 Spades Relay to 3 Clubs Four Suit Transfers vs. 2 Spades Relay to 3 Clubs.pdf
Hold-Up Plays Hold-Up Plays.pdf
Introduction to Squeezes Introduction to Squeezes.pdf
Lebensohl Lebensohl.pdf
Lebensohl - After Reverses Lebensohl - After Reverses.pdf
Lebensohl - Alerting Bids Lebensohl - Alerting Bids.pdf
Lebensohl - Over Reverses Commentary Practice Set Lebensohl - Over Reverses Commentary Practice Set.pdf
Lebensohl - Over Reverses - Practice Set Lebensohl - Over Reverses - Practice Set.pdf
Lebensohl - Practice Set A Commentary Lebensohl - Practice Set B Commentary
Lebensohl - Practice Set A Lebensohl - Practice Set A.pdf
Lebensohl - Practice Set B Commentary Lebensohl - Practice Set B Commentary
Lebensohl - Practice Set B Lebensohl - Practice Set B.pdf
Lebensohl - Practice Set C Commentary Lebensohl - Practice Set C Commentary.pdf
Lebensohl - Practice Set C Lebensohl - Practice Set C.pdf
Meckwell Meckwell.pdf
Modified Puppet Modified Puppet.pdf
Negative Double, The Negative Double, The.pdf
Opening Leads Opening Leads.pdf
Plan Before You Play Plan Before You Play.pdf
Planning the Play - Practice Set 1 Planning the Play - Practice Set 1.pdf
Planning the Play - Practice Set 2 Planning the Play - Practice Set 2.pdf
Roman Key Card Blackwood Roman Key Card Blackwood.pdf
Safety Plays Safety Plays.pdf
Second Hand Low Second Hand Low.pdf
Slam Bidding - Practice Set Slam Bidding - Practice Set.pdf/a>
Splitting Honors Splitting Honors.pdf
Squeeze Graphic Squeeze Graphic.pdf
Swiss Teams - Suggested Strategy Swiss Teams - Suggested Strategy.pdf
Swiss Teams - Bidding Suggestions Swiss Teams - Bidding Suggestions.pdf
Swiss Teams - Playing Swiss Teams - Playing.pdf
Swiss Teams - Practice Set - Bidding Swiss Teams - Practice Set - Bidding.pdf
Swiss Teams - Practice Set - Declarer Play Swiss Teams - Practice Set - Declarer Play.pdf
Takeout Double, The Takeout Double, The.pdf
Texas Transfer Texas Transfer.pdf
Third Hand High Third Hand High.pdf
Ways to Win Tricks Ways to Win Tricks.pdf